Mr. Vinay L
Assistant Professor
Contact Details
Email ID | vinayl@rithassan.ac.in |
LinkedIn ID | linkedin.com/in/vinay-l-334908221 |
Orcid ID | https://orcid.org/0009-0005-1491-7316 |
Vidwaan ID | https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/417686 |
Educational Details
- Ph. D Pursuing in VTU, Belagavi
- M. Tech in Industrial Automation & Robotics from MCE, Hassan
- B.E in Mechanical Engineering from BCE, Shravanabelagola, Hassan
Professional Experience
- Presently working as Assistant Professor at Rajeev Institute of Technology from 2012 to till date
- Worked as Lecturer at RIT from 2011 to 2012
- Worked as Guest Lecturer at Govt. Polytechnic from feb 2009 to june2009
- Worked as Engineer at Haryana Steel & Power from 2008 to 2009
- Total experience 13 years
Areas of Interest
- Composite Materials, Super Alloys, Thermal Barrier Coatings & Metal Casting.
Publication Details
- “Optimization of the Performance of Heat Pipe Using Simulation Methods” International Journal for Ignited Minds, Volume-2, Issue-06, June 2015
- “Influence of Heat Treatment on Mechanical Properties of Al-7075 reinforced with Titanium Nitride” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume-6, Special Issue-05, May 2019
- “Influence of surface treatment on mechanical properties of Roystonea-Regia/banana fibre reinforced hybrid polyester composites” Materials today: proceedings, June 2023
- “Fabrication of Punctured wheel assistant trolley for two-wheeler” Proceeding of National Conference on Emerging Technologies in Engineering-NCETE-2023, 12 may 2023
- “Flat Belt Type Oil Skimmer” Proceeding of National Conference on Emerging Technologies in Engineering-NCETE-2023, 12 may 2023
- “Automated waste segregation” 14th International conference on Advances in Computing, Conrol and Telecommunication Technologies-ACT2023, June 2023
- Completed 15 days Training of Trainer program on “3D printing & Additive manufacturing” under Future-Skills PRIME programme held from 20th March 2023 to 04th April 2023
- Successfully completed 12-week NPTEL Online Certification course on Fundamentals of Manufacturing Processes from July- October 2019 conducted by NPTEL & All India Council for Technical Education, funded by Ministry of HRD, Government of INDIA.
FDP/Workshop/Short-term course/Webinar attended
- Attended 2-day Faculty Development Program on Multibody Dynamics by Techlead solutions private limited in association with VTU, Belagavi on 02/02/2012 to 03/02/2012 held at Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore
- Attended 2-day Faculty Development Program on Computer Aided Engineering Drawing on 24/08/2012 to 25/08/2012 organized by Jain Institute of Technology, Davanagere
- Attended AICTE sponsored 2-week Faculty Development Program on Technology for Design, Modeling and Production of Composite Structures on 27/01/2014 to 08/02/2014 held at Government Engineering College, Hassan
- Participated in AICTE recognized One Week Short-term Course on Research Methodology through ICT conducted by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, Chandigarh, MHRD, Government of India, on 09/01/2017 to 13/01/2017 held at Government Engineering College, Hassan
- Co-ordinated 2-day Workshop on IC Engine Overhauling by Techtrunk Ventures Pvt. Ltd, Mysore on 19/02/2018 to 20/02/2018 held at Rajeev Institute of Technology, Hassan
- Participated in 3-day Workshop on Industrial and Process Automation by Venjay Institute of Automation, Bangalore on 14/03/2018 to 16/03/2018 held at RIT, Hassan
- Co-ordinated 2-day Workshop on Non-Destructive Testing and evaluation conducted by IRIS training & Placement Services, Mysore on 15/03/2018 to 16/03/2018 held at RIT, Hassan
- Participated in 2-day Faculty Development Program on Teaching Techniques conducted by ICT Academy on 30/08/2018 to 31/08/2018 held at RIT, Hassan
- Participated in 5-day Faculty Development Program on Product Design Engineering using Fusion 360 conducted by ICT Academy on 29/01/2019 to 02/02/2019 held at PES College of Engineering, Mandya
- Organized National level Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering [AIME-19] on 17th May 2019 at Rajeev Institute of Technology, Hassan
- Participated in AICTE-VTU joint one week training program for teachers on An Overview of Teaching Techniques in Strength of Materials/Mechanics of Materials on 26/08/2019 to 30/08/2019 conducted by VTU-Human Resource Development Center, Center for PG studies, Muddenahalli, Chikkaballapur Dist.
- Participated in BRIDGE’19–Bengaluru (The largest Industry Institute Interaction Event of Asia) Organized by ICT Academy on 24/09/2019 held at Hotel Taj, MG road, Bengaluru.
- Certified one and half week Faculty Development Program on Fundamentals of Manufacturing Processes in October 2019 conducted by NPTEL & All India Council for Technical Education
- Participated in 5-day Workshop on Outcome Based Education and NBA Accreditation on 16/12/2019 to 20/12/2019 organized by Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore in association with VTU-Belagavi, Karnataka, Aryabhatta knowledge University-Patna, Bihar and Biju Patnaik University of Technology- Rourkela, Odissa
- Successfully completed Online quiz on Additive Manufacturing on 29/07/2020 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, ATME college of Engineering, Mysuru
- Participated in 5-day Faculty Development Program on Digital Marketing conducted by ICT Academy on 19/12/2022 to 23/12/2022 held at Srinivas University College of Engineering, Pandeshwar campus, Mangalore
- Participated in One Week Professional Development Course on “Advances in Casting & Manufacturing” conducted by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, Chennai, MHRD, Government of India, from 05/06/2023 to 09/06/2023 held through online mode
Roles and Responsibility
- Worked as Timetable, Test and Exam co-ordinator.
- Worked as Deputy Chief Superintendent for VTU exams.
- Worked as flying squad for VTU exams.
- Organized Workshops, Seminars and Invited talks as a Co-ordinator.
- Organized an international conference as a Co-ordinator.
- Worked as a counselor for students.
- Lab In-charge for Metallography and Material test lab.
- Guided, led and mentored students in project works.
- Editor-in-Chief for college magazine ‘Abhijnana-23’.