Prof. Usha C D
Assistant Professor
Contact Details
Email ID | ushacd@rithassan.ac.in |
LinkedIn ID | www.linkedin.com/in/usha-cd |
Orcid ID | |
Vidwaan ID |
Education Details
- BSc (PCM)
- Masters of Computer Application (MCA)
- Yoga Posture Detection System
Developed a real time system using computer vision and machine learning to detect and correct yoga postures. Technologies Used: Python, Tensor Flow, OpenCV.
- Medical Expenses Prediction
A data analysis project to predict medical expenses based on health related factors. Technologies Used: Python, Pandas, Numpy
- IOT Hand Gesture Controlled LED System
Developed a system to control LEDs using hand gestures through a webcam. Technologies Used: Python, Arduino
- Programming Language: C, Java, Python
- Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Database Management: SQL, MySQL, RDBMS,
- Other Skills: Data Structures and Algorithms, Operating System, Internet Of Things
- Cybersecurity – Coursera
- Ethical Hacking – VTU Online course
MOOC/ ARPIT/SWAYAM Certifications
- Privacy and Security in Online Social Media – NPTE