Assistant Professor, RIT, Hassan
Qualification Details
- B.E (Computer Science and Engineering) – NDRKIT, Hassan
- MTech (Computer Networks and Engineering) – BMSCE, Bangalore
Technical Skills: C, C++, Data Structures, Python, Networks, SQL, Unix, DevOps, Datastores.
- Worked as a Product Solution Engineer for almost 2 years at Flipkart Internet Private Limited, Bangalore
- Worked on production clusters creation and maintenance for datastores and applications. Worked on migration of clusters to Kubernetes for less maintenance and downtime. SQL Database maintenance on Altair.
- Successfully completed 1 year of Internship in Graphics Software Engineering team at Intel Technology India Private Ltd, Bangalore
- In this team my role was to convert debug prints to ETL for easy debugging, Writing
- XML code for display registers validation, writing verification logic in C++ and Python for various display power conservation features.
- Successfully completed 1 month of Internship in Python (basics, file handling) at Malnad Engineering College, Hassan.
- Friend’s recommendation on social media using different algorithms of machine learning: In this project python is used for coding using Jupiter notebook. This project identifies the behaviour of users found in the dataset like user having number of followers, number of followings, common friends between them and provide friend suggestions for the users they can This project also compares the accuracy of different ML Algorithms and finds the best one for recommendation.
- Crime database management system: In this project SQL is used for querying the database of the criminals according to certain conditions like prisoner name, address, type of crime they have done, punishment etc.,
- Big Data Analytics: Prediction of issuing loan based on certain factors like credit score, bankruptcies, due loans etc., using SQL and pig scripting.
- Linux: mini project done certain operation on files like creating, deleting, pattern matching, counting etc.,
- Networking: Developed DNS server, multiarea OSPF using cisco packet tracer ,
Papers Published:
- Research work on cyber-attacks and its “counter measures or guidelines during COVID-19 pandemic”.
- Journal paper published on “Friends Recommendation on social media using different Machine Learning Algorithms”.
- Journal paper published on “Code Quality Improvement for Intel windows Graphics Driver”.