Mr. M Somashekhar
Education Details
- Sc., (Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry), Bangalore University.
- Sc.,(Mathematics), Specialization Applied/Pure Mathematics,Tumkur University, Tumkur.
- (Ph.D)., (Applied Science – Mathematics), Tribology, VTU.
Contact Details
Email ID | somashekharmaths@rithaassan.ac.in |
Google Scholar ID | |
Vidwaan ID | ID-357513 |
Professional Experience: 13 + Years
- Assistant Professor from 01-09-2012 till Date at Rajeev Institute of Technology, Hassan
- Lecturer, from 25/07/2011 to 30-08-2012at Rajeev Institute of Technology, Hassan
- Lecturer, from 02-08-2010 June 2011 to 30-08-2012 at Sri Basaveshwara Institute of Technology, Tiptur.
Publication Details
Journal Publications
- “Analytical Study of Roughness on Tilted Pad Thrust Slider Bearing Improved by the Boundary Slippage”, November 2019 Applied Mechanics and Materials895:70-75 Proceedings :DOI:4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.895.70
Conference Publications
“Analytical Study of Roughness on Tilted Pad Thrust Slider Bearing Improved by the Boundary Slippage”, November 2019 Applied Mechanics and Materials895:70-75 Proceedings :DOI:4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.895.70
Roles and Responsibility
- Test coordinator
- NACC coordinator
- ERP coordinator
- IIIC coordinator
- NBA coordinator
- Mentor and Counselor
FDP/Conferences/Workshops attended/Conducted
- Participated in Advanced & Technical Computing with MATLAB organized by Dept. of Mathematics, Presidency University, and Bangalore on 25-07-2023 to 29-07-2023.
- Participated in AICTE-VTU Joint teacher training program on “Introduction to Python Programming and its Application organized by AICTE-VTU. Center of PG Studies, VIAT, MUDDENAHALLI. On 19-06-2023 to 23-06-2023
- Presented a paper in International conference on Mathematical Application in Engineering, Management & Health Sciences, ICMAEMH-2023 organized by Adichunchanagiri (ACU) Dept. of Mathematics and Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering on 22nd to 23rd January 2023.
- Participated in the “ Three Day Workshop for VTU Affiliated College Faculty(Mysore, Belgavi and Kalburgi Region) On MATHEMATICS USING PYTHON” organized by Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore & VTU, Belagavi from 8th to 10th December, 2022.
- Participated in a 10 days faculty development program on “Methodology of Research in Social Sciences” organized by research cell Seshadripuram Academy of Business Studies held from March 03. 2021 to March 12, 2021.
- Participated in “5-day online FDP on Universal Human Values for DEEKSHARAMBH (Student Induction Program)” organized by NIT Patna during 23-27 November 2020.
- AICTE sponsored one week short term Training Program on “Mathematica –A Scientific Research Tool” conducted from 21st to 26th September 2020 Organized by Department of Applied Science,Sagar Institute of Research and Technology Bhopal.
- Six days National Level “ Faculty Development Programme on “ Moodle & E-Content Creation” From 27th July, 2020 to 1st August,2020.Organised by Coorg Institute of Technology,Ponnampet,Kodagu Karnataka- 571216.
- “ One Week Online ,Hands on FDP on Introduction to Python Basis” from 23rd -29th July 2020.Organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering,Canara College of Engineering, Bantwala taluk Manglore-574219
- Five day Faculty Development Programme on “Mathematical Concepts By Using Free Open Source Software’s (Foss)” organized by Department of Mathematics, BMSIT &M Bengaluru held during 21st to 25th July, 2020.
- Participated in One week Faculty Development Program on “Emerging Trends in Mathematics and its Applications’ ‘ organized by the Department of Mathematics Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore-54 held during 28th Jan to 2nd Feb.2019.
- Participated in a two day Faculty Development Program on “Teaching Techniques” conducted by ICT Academy on 30th Aug & 31st Aug 2018 at Rajeev Institute of Technology, Hassan.
- Presented a paper in the International Conference on “Green trends in Mechanical Engineering Sciences” held during 3rd to 5th October 2018.organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering Sciences, Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan Karnataka and Department of Mechanical Engineering,Jorhat Engineering College, Joharat,Asssam.
- Participated in One week Faculty Development Program on “Advanced Mathematical Tools in Engineering Applications “organized by Department of Mathematics, Malnad college of Engineering, Hassan, Karnataka from 2nd to 6th July, 2018.
- Attend the workshop on “New model Curriculum for First year BE/B.Tech-CBCS Detailed Syllabus (2018-2019) as per Outcome-Based Education(OBE) format including Course Outcomes (CO) and Bloom’s Taxonomy” under TEQIP-1.3 for the course under Mathematics Board held on 19th May 2018 at SCEM Mangalore organized by Visvesvaraya Technological University , Belagavi.
- Participated in One day National workshop on “Graph theory and its Applications” organized by the Department of Mathematics,Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur on 17th October 2015.
- Participated in a one day workshop on “Introduction to Python & Drupal” held at Rajeev Institute of Technology, Hassan, Karnataka, India, on March 22nd, 2014.
- Participated in a two days National seminar on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equation” organized by Post graduate Department of Studies & Research in Mathematics Tumkur University, Tumkur on 30th & 31st October, 2009.
- Participated in a two days National seminar on “Advances in Applied Mathematics’ ‘ organized by the Post graduate Department of Studies & Research in Mathematics Tumkur University, Tumkur on 30th & 31st October, 2009.
- Participated in One day State Level Inter Disciplinary Seminar on “Application of OR models” held at P G Campus, Dept. of studies and Research in Mathematics Of Tumkur University, Tumkur, on 5th June 2009.
List of Research Papers Presented in International Conferences / Symposiums
- “Analytical Study of Roughness on Tilted Pad Thrust Slider Bearing Improved by the Boundary Slippage”, November 2019 Applied Mechanics and Materials895:70-75 Proceedings :DOI:4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.895.70
NPTEL / Swayam courses
- “Engineering Mathematics -I” 12 Weeks ,Credit points: 3.Jan – Apr 2019
- “Numerical methods” 8 weeks , Credit point : 2. Aug-Oct 2019
- “Engineering Mathematics- II” 12 Weeks ,Credit points: 3. Jan-Apr 2022
- Total Citations:
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Research Area of Interest
- Fluid Mechanics, Tribology and Graph Theory.