Assistant Professor

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  • MTech (Computer Networks)
  • B.E (Computer Science & Engineering)


Professional Experience

  • Working as Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Rajeev Institute of Technology-Hassan
  • Worked as Resource person, Engineer, Professor at Azim Premji Foundation from 2016 to 2024
  • Worked as Prof and in charge Head of CSE Department at Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichuru, from July-2014 to June-2016
  • Worked as Prof in CSE Department at PESIT University, South campus Bangalore formerly known as PESSE, from July-2009 to May-2014
  • Worked as Lecturer in ISE Department at Atria Institute of Technology, Bangalore from Sep-2008 till July-2009
  • Worked as Project Trainee at Freescale Semiconductor Ltd, Bangalore from Aug-2007 to Aug-2008.
  • Worked as Software Tester in Cusat Systems, Bangalore from Nov-2004 to Mar-2006
  • Worked as Service Engineer in RV Bio systems, Bangalore from Nov-2003 to Oct- 2004



Project Name                          : MMI Design and development for Wireless Tester Automation.

Company                                : Freescale Semiconductor Pvt.Ltd, Bangalore

Duration                                  : Aug-2007 to Aug-2008


Brief Description:

Wireless Tester Automation is a wireless test solution available in the lab which is used by validation teams for testing User Equipment (UE) platforms. Wireless Tester Automation Solution (WTAS) has a Command line interface that is not user friendly. To improve the interface to WTAS, the WTAS Man Machine Interface (MMI) software is introduced to easily create/modify and execute automated test campaigns.



  • Have done designing, coding and bug fixing
  • Performed Sanity Testing, Regression Testing for checking the stability of WTAS (Wireless Tester Automation Solution)



Project Name                          : Time and attendance Management Software

Company                                 : Cusat System, Bangalore

Duration                                  :6 months (Oct-2005 to March-2006)


Brief Description:

Based on the access report taken by Kieco access control hardware unit, the Time & Attendance management system maintains the attendance of individual employee according to company requirement.


Project Name                          :Keico Access Control Software (PLAT04S)

Company                                :Cusat      System,      Bangalore

Duration                                  :8 months (Feb-2005 to Sep-2005)


Brief Description:

Keico Access control software (PLAT04S) is a product developed to control the access of particular employee in an organization. The software has to be interfaced with the hardware controller. It is single PC based software.

It has following functionalities.

  1. System Configuration: The basic settings of this software are done through this. Here we are going to set database path comport and controller configuration.
  2. Date & time management: In this setting regarding time and date is made and here we can also set access time zone for a particular employee.
  3. User management: The personal detail of each employee is maintained
  4. Card & Fingerprint: The encrypted data of card and fingerprint is stored in card and finger
  5. Report & Backup: It maintains the event report, member report and database



  • Writing test conditions, cases & executing test
  • Performed Manual Testing for Integration, Functional and Usability Testing, Regression Testing, and System Testing.