Anand H R
Assistant Professor
Contact Details
Email ID | aanandahr@rithassan.ac.in |
Google Scholor ID | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&authuser=1&user=X56eNp0AAAAJ |
Orcid ID | https://orcid.org/0009-0008-1676-3762 |
Vidwaan ID | https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/32368 |
Educational Details
- M. Tech in Production Engineering & Systems Technology from UBDTCE, Davanagere
B.E in Mechanical engineering from MCE, Hassan.
Professional Experience
- Presently working at RIT from 2011 till date
- Total experience 12 years
Publication Details
- Anand H R, Naveen B N “Mechanical Behavior of Uni directional E-Glass/Epoxy Composite at different orientation of fiber” IRJET, vol-6, Issue-5, pp-71-73, Fast Track Publication.
- R. Anand , Govardhan Goud , K.N. Madan Kumar , L. Vinay, “Influence of surface treatment on mechanical properties of Roystonearegia/ banana fibre reinforced hybrid polyester composites”, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2023.06.099.
- Hanoca P, Anand H R, Shobharaj B S, Chinmay M J, Deekshith G N, “Aerodynamic and Structural Analysis of Pitot Tube in a Fluid Stream using FSI Approach”, Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology.
- Anand H R, Govardhan Goud, Karthik Satyanarayana, Madhu Puttegowda, “ Influence of of Water absorption on Mechanical and Morphological Behaviour of Roystonea-Regia/Banana Hybrid Polyester Composites, Applied Science and Engineering Express, August 2023.
- Anand H R, Govardhan Goud, Kuldeep B, “ Investigation of Physical, Dielectric and Hydrophobicity Properties of Roystonea-Regia/Banana Fibre polyester composites in both Alkali Treated and Untreated Conditions.
Work Shops and FDP Attended
- Participated in 4 days VGST- Faculty Development Programme on “Hydraulics & Pneumatics” held during 09-07-2013 to 12-07-2013 at VTU-RO, Mysore.
- Participated Two day work shop on Non Destructive Testing and Evaluation conducted by IRIS in collaboration with Dept., of ME, RIT Hassan. During 15-03-2018 to 16-03-2018.
- Three day work shop on Industrial and Process Automation conducted by Venjay Institution of Automation held during 14-03-2018 to 16-03-2018 at RIT Hassan. Mysore.
- Participated in 3 days Workshop on “IC Engine Overhauling” held during 21-02-2018 to 22-02-2018 at RIT Hassan.
- Completed the 8 weeks NPTEL online certification course (Faculty Development Programme) on “Principles of Metal Forming technology”
- Participated in 3 days Faculty Development Programme on “NBA Accreditation Process” held during 23-06-2022 to 25-06-2022 at RIT Hassan in association with DBIT, Bangalore, under Margadarshan Scheme of AICTE.
- Participated in 5 days workshops on “Recent Trends in Automation Technologies for MSME Development” held during 30-01-2023 to 03-02-2023 at NIE, Mysuru in association with Visveswaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
- Participated in 5 days Faculty Development Programme on “Smart Materials & Systems” ” held during 29-05-2023 to 02-06-2023, Organized by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Centre for PG Studies, VIAT, Muddenahalli, Chikkaballapur
Roles and Responsibility
- Worked as coordinator for national level conference/ seminars / workshops.
- Website Co-ordinator Member
- VTU theory Examination Co-ordinator
- Guided many Engineering Projects