Campus Life
Coming Soon…!
NSS Committee Members
Sl. No. | Name | Designation | Contact No. | E-mail Id |
1. | Dr. A N Ramakrishna, Principal | Chairperson | 9845792787 | rkcivil2008@gmail.com |
2. | Dr. Thammanna H N, Chief Lib | Convenor | 7406575815 | ritlibrariantha@gmail.com |
3. | Mr. Manjunath K.H. AP, Civil | Member | 9844194711 | manjusrikrishna14@gmail.com |
4. | Dr. Pramod H.B.AP, CSE | Member | 9844404014 | hbpramod@gmail.com |
5. | Mr. Vishwanath B.R, AP, ECE | Member | 9886117222 | vishwa_br@yahoo.co.in |
6. | Mr. Bharath M.B, AP, ISE | Member | 8553129177 | partha.mb@gmail.com |
7. | Mr. Dharanesh O.H, AP, ME | Member | 9743650055 | dharani070@gmail.com |
8. | Mr. Santhoshkumar B.B, AP, Maths | Member | 9964492177 | santhubbsv@gmail.com |
9. | Mr. Indrakumar K S[4RA19CS033] | Student Member | 9019247007 | Indrakumarks7007@gmail.com |
10. | Mr. Ekanth Gowda A S[4RA19ME007] | Student Member | 8431766937 | Ekanth2002@gmail.com |
Terms : One to two years
Meetings : The committee shall meet at least once in a semester
To motivate the students for participation in various activities within and outside the college.
Organizing blood donation, Eye checkup camp, helmet awareness week, conducting swachh bharath abhiyaan, yoda and fitness camp.
Involving students in creating awareness to farmers about technology, various app and schemes, organic farming.
Creating awareness to local vendors about digital payment and fraudsters in UPI.
Creating awareness to people in dandling dry and wet waste, planting trees in neighborhood parks, near lakes,etc