Department of Mechanical Engineering
About the Department
The Department was established in the year 2009, affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, with the motive of inculcating high moral values and discipline among students for overall development. The Department has well experienced faculties and equiped with state of the art facilities and laboratories in order to foster the growth of students.
The Department is recognized as Research Centre by VTU during 2018-19. The Faculties of the Department are actively involved in research and consultancy works in the areas of Composite Materials, Fuels & Lubricants, Energy Systems Engineering and Renewable Energy
HOD’s Message
Dr. Kuldeep B
Head of the Department
Dear All,
Welcome to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Rajeev Institute of Technology, Hassan. As the Head of this dynamic and vibrant department, I am delighted to share a few words with you about our mission, achievements, and future aspirations. Our commitment is to excellence in education, research, and community engagement, and we take pride in nurturing the next generation of engineers who will shape the future of technology and innovation.
Mechanical Engineering is a discipline that sits at the heart of engineering, bridging the gap between theoretical research and practical application. Our curriculum is designed to provide a solid foundation in core principles, while also offering opportunities to explore cutting-edge advancements in fields such as robotics, renewable energy, nanotechnology, and advanced manufacturing.
We are privileged to have a distinguished faculty whose expertise spans a wide range of specializations. Their dedication to teaching and research ensures that our students receive a well-rounded education, enriched by exposure to the latest technological advancements and industry practices. Our faculty members are not only educators but also mentors who inspire and guide students to achieve their full potential.
We are also committed to fostering a supportive and inclusive community. Our department thrives on the diversity of ideas, backgrounds, and perspectives, which enriches the educational experience and drives innovation. We encourage our students to engage in interdisciplinary projects, internships, and collaborations with industry partners, which not only enhance their learning but also provide valuable real-world experience.
We believe in the power of collaboration and actively seek partnerships with industry, government, and academic institutions worldwide. These collaborations enable us to stay at the forefront of engineering innovation and provide our students with opportunities to engage in interdisciplinary projects and global initiatives.
As we look to the future, we remain dedicated to advancing the frontiers of mechanical engineering. Whether through ground-breaking research, innovative teaching methods, or impactful community projects, we strive to make a positive difference in the world. I invite you to explore our department, participate in our initiatives, and join us in our mission to engineer a better tomorrow.
Thank you for being a part of our vibrant community.
Kuldeep B
Head of the Department, Mechanical Engineering
Rajeev Institute of Technology, Hassan
- To become center of excellence in education and research, providing students with a well rounded education in Mechanical Engineering for the betterment of society.
- To provide the students with the fundamental knowledge necessary for a successful career in mechanical engineering.
- To empower students for higher education and active research development to contribute to the engineering profession and society.
The graduates of Mechanical engineering program of Rajeev Institute of Technology should be able to attain the following at the time of graduation.
- The ability to create novel materials, mechanical systems, and processes using a multidisciplinary approach that is beneficial to society.
- Through various courses, projects, and internships, gain practical and hands-on exposure to various Mechanical tools, control methods, equipment, and simulation software.
The program educational objectives are the statements that describe the expected achievements of graduates within first few years of their graduation from the program. The program educational objectives of Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering at Rajeev Institute of Technology can be broadly defined as,
- Successful professional careers as mechanical engineers with a sound knowledge of current technology with a focus on research and innovation.
- An ability to embrace professional and ethical attitude with awareness of societal impact
- Graduate shall be pursuing advanced education, engage in multi-disciplinary research activities & zeal for lifelong learning.
Graduation students of Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering program at Rajeev Institute of Technology will attain the following program outcomes in the field of Mechanical Engineering.
- Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and specialization in Mechanical Engineering for the solution of complex engineering problems
- Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences
- Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, and cultural, societal, and environmental considerations
- Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions
- Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations
- The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice
- Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development
- Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice
- Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings
- Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with the society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions
- Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environment.
- Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change
Program | Leading to | Duration | Intake |
Mechanical Engineering | BE(ME) | 4 years | 30 |
Class Incharge Details
Year | In-charge name | Mail ID | Phone |
Second Year | Madhusudan S | madhusudhans@rithassan.ac.in | 8970309392 |
Third Year | Hanoca P | hanocaprem@rithassan.ac.in | 9742019528 |
Fourth Year | Rajashekar G. Sannamani | rgsannamani@gmail.com | 9164685101 |
Department Facilities
Staff Facilities
The Department of Mechanical Engineering has well-furnished Staff Rooms. Each Staff member is provided with a cubical with LAN connection. Also, the Staff room is equipped with the Computing Systems with internet Connections. A separate lounge is provided for Departmental meetings and Discussions.
Student Facilities
The Department has State of the art infrastructure in order to foster the needs of Students. All the laboratories are well equipped with latest and modern tools and equipment’s.
The class rooms contain modern teaching Aids like Overhead Projectors along with conventional Chalk and talk for Teaching and Learning.
A Separate Project lab is provided in order to carry out the project work by the students with the basic facilities.
Departmental Library
The departmental library is started with an idea to cater the needs of the students to enhance their knowledge by providing more additional books for their reference.
At present the Department library comprises more than 600 volumes of various disciplines in the Mechanical Engineering.
Computer Aided Engineering Drawing/ Computer Aided Machine Drawing Lab
This lab is well designed to handle 67 students at a time and is having 20kV UPS which gives eight hours back up. Each system in the lab is provided graphics card with licensed version of Solid Edge-ST modelling software with 60 users. The lab is equipped with printers and LCD projector with LAN facility to give demonstrations.
Machine Shop
In Machine Shop students learn various processes of metal removal from the raw material using different kind of machines like Lathe Machines, Shaping Machines, Milling Machines, and Grinding Machine etc.
The Machine Shop is facilitated with 15 Conventional Lathe Machines, All Geared Lathe Machine, Three Shaping Machines, Two Milling Machines, Grinding Machine, and Power Hack Saw Machine. A large working area is provided for convenient movement of students within the laboratory.
Foundry & Forging Lab
The lab is built in the large floor area with good ventilation and is equipped with Open Hearth Furnaces and Anvils to prepare the forging components. A part of the lab is also allotted for preparing the sand moulds using different patterns like Single Plate, Match Plate, Split Pattern and Pelton wheel cup.
Lab is also facilitated to conduct various sand tests like Mould Hardness, Sieve Analysis, Permeability Test, Moisture Content, Compression and Shear strength and Clay Content test.
Material Testing Lab
In this lab students learn about material testing using various Modern testing Machines.
Major equipments include Vickers Hardness, Brinell Hardness and Rockwell testing machines, Impact Testing Machine, Torsion Testing Machine, Wear Testing Machine, Magnetic Crack detector, Ultra Sonic flaw detector, Single disc Polishing Machine, Die penetrate tester , Metallographic inverted microscope, Universal Testing Machine – 60T capacity.
Mechanical Measurements & Metrology Lab
The students of Mechanical science must have an awareness of various Measuring and Inspection devices. The right selection and proper use of the instruments is the fundamental aspect.
In any engineering industry it is necessary to calibrate any equipment with reference to a standard mode. In this connection the Mechanical Measurement lab is equipped with to calibrate pressure gauge, LVDT, Thermocouple, Measurement of young’s modulus and Load Cell.
The lab is also a facilitated with standard equipment like to Measure Surface Roughness, Gear Tooth parameter, Measurement of Tapered Angle using Sine Bar & Sine Center, Measurement of acute angle using Bevel Protractor and Autocollimator and Measure various Gear Tooth parameters using Tool Maker’s Microscope and Profile Projector. To check the accuracy of Vernier Callipers, Micrometres using standard set of Slip Gauges.
Energy Conversion Engineering Lab
The Energy Conversion Laboratory provides facilities for undergraduate teaching experiments as well as research work for undergraduate and postgraduate students.
This is a superior laboratory which emphasizes understanding of the operating principles of some of the component devices that are encountered in engines, power plants, and heating systems as well as experimental measurement, analysis, and reporting techniques. Students will build on their fundamental knowledge of Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, and Heat Transfer in analyzing the operating characteristics of real engines and heat exchangers.
Teaching experiments on Abel Pensky and Marten’s Apparatus Flash & Fire point Apparaters, Bomb Calorimeter, Boy’s gas Calorimeter, Viscometers (3 Nos), Planimeter, Four Stroke single cylinder Diesel Engine, Multi Cylinder Petrol Engine, Two Stroke Petrol Engine and Variable Compression Ratio I.C. Engine.
Fluid Mechanics & Machines Lab
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery lab focuses on the basic field of fluid mechanics and fluid machineries.
The lab equipped with well experimental set up to measure and understands the basic principles of Fluid Mechanics such as Friction Loss through pipes, Minor Losses like Bends, Sudden expansion and Contraction in a pipe, Coefficient of Discharge of various Flow Meters such as Orifice Meter, Nozzle Meter,Venturi-meter and different shape Notches. The lab also equipped with Sound Fluid Machinery such as Francis Turbine Test Rig, PeltonWheel Test Rig, Single stage Centrifugal Pump,Reciprocating Test Rig, Multi-stage Reciprocating andAir Compressor test rig.
Heat & Mass Transfer Lab
The lab makes a significant place in UG & PG course where the students also undergo in basics of Thermal Engineering and Energy Transfer. The lab allows the student to carry out experiments in all the three modes (i.e. Conduction, Convection & Radiation) of heat transfer which includes a set of experiments in each mode, which includes experiment in heat transfer through Metals, Composites, Refrigeration and Air conditioning. The lab gives a clear and systematic knowledge of the subject as they perform each experiment individually, as it includes all the experimental setups required.
Major equipments include Thermal Conductivity of Metal rod apparatus, Heat Transfer coefficient composite wall apparatus, Heat Transfer through Natural convection, Forced convection, through Pin Fin apparatus, Emissivity Measurement apparatus, Steafan Boltzman Apparatus, Parallel Flow And Counter Flow Heat Exchange Apparatus, Drop and Film Condensation Apparatus, Transient Conduction Heat Transfer Apparatus, Vapour Compression refrigeration Test rig and Vapour Compression Air Conditioning Test Rig.
Design Lab
In order to achieve this objective the students have to be taught certain skills that are required to perform competent mechanical design. These skills include: writing statements of functions, establishing criteria for evaluating proposed design, making decisions, etc.
Major Experimental Equipments includes Photo Elastic Bench (Circular Polariscope), Journal Bearing Equipment, Vibration Equipments:(Longitudinal & Torsional with log decrement units), Balancing of rotating mass equipment, Universal governor unit, Whirling of shaft equipment, Gyroscope (Motorised), Rosette strain gauge equipment and Stresses on curved beam.
Computer Aided Modeling & Analysis Lab
The lab is well designed to handle 40 students at a time and is having 10 kVA UPS which gives eight hours back up. Lab is provided with Modeling & Analysis software such as ANSYS-14 is used by students & faculty to carry out academic & project related work. The lab is equipped with printers and LCD projector with LAN facility to give demonstrations 39 Nos Computer with graphic card, Licensed version of ANSYS 14 for 25 Users and one wall mounted LCD Projector with screen.
CIM & Automation Lab
The lab is well designed to handle 40 students at a time and is having 10 kVA UPS which gives eight hours back up. Lab is provided with CADEM ANSYS software is used by students & faculties to carry out academic & project related works. CADEM provides simulation on CNC Turning & Milling. CADEM Encyclopedia educates the students about working of Turning & Milling Machines. The lab is equipped with printers and LCD projector with LAN facility to give demonstrations.
Project Lab
Project lab is used by the final year students to fabricate their projects. The facilities Fitting, Welding and Sheet metal work. Various equipment and Engineering tools are provided in this lab.
Major equipments include Bench vices, Leg vice, Fitting tools, Arc welding Machine and Sheet metal work tools.
Student Learning Centric Odd Semester details(2024-2025)
Sl. No. | Subject Name | Subject Code | Faculty Name | Course Modules | Lesson plan | Notes of lessons | PPT | Laboratory Manual |
1 | Mechanics of Materials | BME301 | Mr.Anand H R | Link | Link | Link | ||
2 | Manufacturing Process | BME302 | Mr.Rajeev K T | Link | Link | Link | Link | |
3 | Material Science & Engineering | BME303 | Mr.Rajashekar B Sannmani | Link | Link | Link | Link | |
4 | Basic Thermodynamics | BME304 | Mr.Hanoca P | Link | Link | Link | ||
5 | Introduction to Modelling and Design for Manufacturing | BMEL305 | Mr.Rajeev K T | Link | Link | Link | ||
6 | Smart Materials | BME306B | Mr.Madhusudhan S | Link | Link | Link | ||
1 | Applied Thermodynamics | BME401 | Mr.Madhusudhan S | Link | Link | Link | ||
2 | Machining Science & Metrology | BME402 | Mr.Anand H R | Link | Link | Link | Link | |
3 | Fluid Mechanics | BME403 | Mr.Hanoca P | Link | Link | Link | Link | |
4 | Mechanical Measurements & Metrology | BMEL404 | Mr.Rajashekar B Sannmani | Link | Link | Link | ||
5 | Non Traditional Machining | BME405A | Dr. Kuldeep B | Link | Link | Link | ||
6 | Biology for Engineers | BBOK407 | Mr.Rajashekar B Sannmani | Link | Link | Link | ||
1 | Industrial Management & Entrepreneurship | BME501 | Mr.Madhusudhan S | Link | Link | Link | Link | |
2 | Turbo machines | BME502 | Mr.Hanoca P | Link | Link | Link | Link | |
3 | Theory of Machines | BME503 | Dr. Kuldeep B | Link | Link | Link | ||
4 | CNC Programming and 3-D Printing lab | BMEL504 | Dr.Anand H R | Link | Link | Link | ||
5 | Energy Engineering | BME515D | Mr.Rajeev K T | Link | Link | Link | Link | |
6 | Research Methodology and IPR | BRMK557 | Mr.Rajashekar B Sannmani | Link | Link | Link | ||
1 | Heat Transfer | BME601 | Mr.Hanoca P | Link | Link | Link | Link | |
2 | Machine design | BME602 | Dr.Anand H R | Link | Link | Link | ||
3 | Total Quality Management | BME613A | Mr.Rajashekar B Sannmani | Link | Link | Link | ||
4 | Design lab | BMEL606 | Mr.Rajeev K T | Link | Link | |||
5 | Water Conservation and Rain Water Harvesting | BCV654C | Mr.Chethan K M | Link | Link | Link | ||
6 | Simulation and Analysis using Ansys workbench | BME657C(AEC) | Dr.Anand H R | Link | Link | Link | ||
27 | Automation and Robotics | 21ME71 | Dr.Anand H R | Link | Link | Link | Link | |
27 | Control Engg. | 21ME72 | Dr.Kuldeep B | Link | Link | Link | ||
27 | Total Quality Management | 21ME732 | Mr.Madhusudhan S | Link | Link | Link | ||
27 | Product Design & Ergononmics | 21ME744 | Mr.Rajashekar B Sannmani | Link | Link | Link | ||
27 | ENERGY CONSERVATION AND AUDIT | 21EE755 | Mr. Balamurugan |
Student Learning Centric Odd Semester details(2023-2024)
Sl. No. | Subject Name | Subject Code | Faculty Name | Course Modules | Lesson plan | Notes of lessons | PPT | Laboratory Manual | ||||
1 | Mechanics of Materials | BME301 | Mr.Anand H R | Link | Link | Link | ||||||
2 | Manufacturing Process | BME302 | Mr.Vinay L | Link | Link | Link | Link | |||||
3 | Material Science & Engineering | BME303 | Mr.Rajashekar B Sannmani | Link | Link | Link | Link | |||||
4 | Basic Thermodynamics | BME304 | Mr.Hanoca P | Link | Link | Link | ||||||
5 | Introduction to Modelling and Design for Manufacturing | BMEL305 | Mr.Rajeev K T | Link | Link | Link | ||||||
6 | Smart Materials | BME306b | Mr.Pavan Kumar K K | Link | Link | Link | ||||||
1 | Applied Thermodynamics | BME401 | Mr.Rajeev K T | |||||||||
2 | Machining Science & Metrology | BME402 | Mr.Anand H R | |||||||||
3 | Fluid Mechanics | BME403 | Mr.Hanoca P | |||||||||
4 | Mechanical Measurements & Metrology | BMEL404 | Mr.Anand H R | |||||||||
5 | Non Traditional Machining | BME405a | Mr.Pavan Kumar K K | |||||||||
6 | Biology for Engineers | BBOK407 | Mr.Rajashekar B Sannmani | |||||||||
1 | Theory of Machines | 21ME51 | Dr.Kuldeep B | Link | Link | Link | Link | |||||
2 | Thermo fluids Engineering | 21ME52 | Mr.Hanoca P | Link | Link | Link | Link | |||||
3 | Finite Elememt Analysis | 21ME53 | Mr.Pavan Kumar K K | Link | Link | Link | ||||||
4 | Modern mobility and Automotive mechanics | 21ME54 | Mr.Rajeev K T | Link | Link | Link | Link | |||||
5 | Design Lab | 21MEL55 | Dr.Kuldeep B | Link | Link | Link | ||||||
6 | RM & IPR | 21ME56 | Mr.Rajashekar B Sannmani | Link | Link | Link | ||||||
7 | Environmental Studies | 21CIV57 | Manjunath K H | Link | Link | Link | ||||||
8 | Basics of Matlab | 21ME581 | Mr.Rajashekar B Sannmani | Link | Link | Link | ||||||
1 | Production and Operation Management | 21ME61 | Mr.Pavan Kumar K K | |||||||||
2 | Heat Transfer | 21ME62 | Mr.Hanoca P | |||||||||
3 | Machine design | 21ME63 | Mr.Anand H R | |||||||||
4 | Autonomous Vehicles | 21ME643 | Mr.Rajashekar B Sannmani | |||||||||
5 | Occupational Health and Safety | 21CV653 | Mr.Manjunath K H | |||||||||
6 | CNC programming & 3D printing Lab | 21MEL66 | Mr.Rajeev K T | |||||||||
27 | Control Engineering | 18ME71 | Dr.Kuldeep B | Link | Link | Link | Link | |||||
27 | Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing | 18ME72 | Mr.Vinay L | Link | Link | Link | Link | |||||
27 | Total Quality Management | 18ME73 | Mr.Dharanesh O H | Link | Link | Link | Link | |||||
27 | Mechatronics | 18ME74 | Mr.Anand H R | Link | Link | Link | Link | |||||
27 | Electric Vehicles | 18EE752 | Dr.Sriharsha J | |||||||||
27 | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Lab | 18MEL76 | Mr.Vinay L | Link | Link | Link | ||||||
27 | Design Lab | 18MEL77 | Dr.Kuldeep B | Link | Link | Link | ||||||
33 | Energy Engineering | 18ME81 | Mr.Rajeev K T | Link | Link | Link | Link | |||||
34 | Automobile Engineering | 18ME824 | Dr.Kuldeep B | Link | Link | Link | Link |
Student Learning Centric details(2022-2023)
Sl. No. | Subject Name | Subject Code | Faculty Name | Course Modules | Lesson plan | Notes of lessons | PPT | Laboratory Manual | Lab Videos |
1 | Transform Calculus, Fourior Series | 21MAT31 | Mr.Somashekar M | Link | Link | Link | |||
2 | Metal Casting, Welding & Joining Process | 21ME32 | Mr.Vinay L | Link | Link | Link | |||
3 | Material Science & Engineering | 21ME33 | Mr.Anand H R | Link | Link | Link | Link | ||
4 | Thermodynamics | 21ME34 | Mr.Hanoca P | Link | Link | Link | |||
5 | Machine Drawing and GD&T | 21MEL35 | Mr.Rajeev K T | Link | Link | Link | |||
6 | Complex Analysis, Probability & Linear Programming | 21ME41 | Santosh B B | ||||||
7 | Machining Science, Jigs & Fixtures | 21ME42 | Anand H R | Link | Link | Link | Link | ||
8 | Fluid Mechanics | 21ME43 | Hanoca P | Link | Link | Link | Link | ||
9 | Mechanics of Materials | 21ME44 | Kuldeep B | Link | Link | Link | |||
10 | Biology for Engineers | 21BE45 | Rajashekar B Sannmani | Link | Link | Link | |||
11 | Mechanical Measurements & Metrology Lab | 21ME46 | Rajashekar B Sannmani | Link | Link | Link | |||
12 | Management and Economics | 18ME51 | Pavan Kumar K K | Link | Link | Link | Link | ||
13 | Design of Machine Elements-I | 18ME52 | Anand H R | Link | Link | Link | |||
14 | Dynamics of Machines | 18ME53 | Kuldeep B | Link | Link | Link | Link | ||
15 | Turbo Machines | 18ME54 | Rajeev K T | Link | Link | Link | |||
16 | Fluid Power Engineering | 18ME55 | Pavan Kumar K K | Link | Link | Link | |||
17 | Operations Management | 18ME56 | Hanoca P | Link | Link | Link | Link | ||
18 | Fluid Mechanics/Machines lab | 18MEL57 | Hanoca P | Link | Link | Link | |||
19 | Energy Conversion Lab | 18MEL58 | Rajeev K T | Link | Link | Link | |||
20 | Finite Element Methods | 18ME61 | Dharanesh O H | Link | Link | Link | |||
21 | Design of Machine Elements II | 18ME62 | Anand H R | Link | Link | Link | |||
22 | Heat Transfer | 18ME63 | Rajeev K T | Link | Link | Link | Link | ||
23 | Non-Traditional Machining | 18ME641 | Vinay L | Link | Link | Link | Link | ||
24 | Occupational Health & Safety | 18CV653 | Manjunath H S | Link | Link | Link | |||
25 | Heat Transfer Lab | 18MEL66 | Pavan Kumar K K | Link | Link | Link | |||
26 | CAMA lab | 18MEL67 | Rajashekar | Link | Link | Link | |||
27 | Control Engineering | 18ME71 | Kuldeep B | Link | Link | Link | Link | ||
28 | Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing | 18ME72 | Vinay L | Link | Link | Link | Link | ||
29 | Total Quality Management | 18ME73 | Dharanesh O H | Link | Link | Link | Link | ||
30 | Mechatronics | 18ME74 | Anand H R | Link | Link | Link | |||
31 | Electrical Energy Conservation and Auditing | 18EE754 | Hanoca P | Link | Link | Link | Link | ||
32 | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Lab | 18MEL76 | Dharanesh O H, Vinay L | Link | Link | Link | |||
33 | Design Lab | 18MEL77 | Kuldeep B | Link | Link | Link | |||
34 | Energy Engineering | 18ME81 | Rajeev K T | Link | Link | Link | Link | ||
35 | Automobile Engineering | 18ME824 | Kuldeep B | Link | Link | Link | Link |
Faculty Achievements
Staff Publication
Publication in Journals |
Conferences |
International | National | International |
13 | 1 | 30 |
Staff Recognition
- Anand H R, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering is awarded with Ph.D in the field of Composite Materials under the guidance of Dr. Govardhan Goud in the year 2024
- Kuldeep B, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering is awarded with Ph.D in the field of Composite Materials under the guidance of Dr. Ravi Kumar K P and Dr. Pradeep S in the year 2021.
- Kuldeep B, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering is awarded for “Best Teacher” in the year 2023
- Kuldeep B Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering is recognised as a research supervisor for VTU in the year 2023.
Our Student ANUP PUDASAINI of batch 2019-2023 has secured VTU
2nd Rank with a CGPA of 9.55 and also received an award of institute topper in the year 2022-23
Toppers List 2022-23
2nd | 9.17 | 4RA21ME004 | INCHARA D |
9.00 | 4RA21ME004 | INCHARA D | |
3rd | 8.12 | 4RA21ME405 | HARSHA BS |
8.67 | 4RA20ME005 | SATHWIK M J | |
4th | 9.4 | 4RA19ME004 | ANUP PUDASAINI |
9.5 | 4RA19ME004 | ANUP PUDASAINI |
Toppers List 2021-22
2nd | 8.54 | 4RA21ME405 | HARSHA BS |
8.46 | 4RA20ME005 | SATHWIK M J | |
3rd | 8.96 | 4RA19ME004 | ANUP PUDASAINI |
9.04 | 4RA19ME003 | ANIJ ANGDEMBE | |
4th | 9.00 | 4RA19ME402 | ARPITHA S R |
9.67 | 4RA19ME403 | AVINASH D D |
Toppers List 2020-21
2nd | 9.36 | 4RA19ME004 | ANUP PUDASAINI |
10 | 4RA19ME004 | ANUP PUDASAINI | |
3rd | 9.5 | 4RA19ME004 | ANUP PUDASAINI |
8.64 | 4RA19ME426 | PRADEEPA D C | |
4th | 9.00 | 4RA17ME023 | JOYSON DSOUZA |
9.65 | 4RA17ME011 | DEEKSHITH N M |
Toppers List 2019-20
2nd | 9 | 4RA18ME042 | SHARANYA D Y |
9 | 4RA18ME042 | SHARANYA D Y | |
3rd | 9.42 | 4RA17ME023 | JOYSON DSOUZA |
10.00 | 4RA17ME023 | JOYSON DSOUZA | |
4th | 8.83 | 4RA17ME407 | GOPISHREE C |
9.65 | 4RA14ME045 | KHADEER AFRIDI |
Best Projects 2022-23
USN | Student Name | Title |
Guide |
4RA17ME068 | Mr. VARUN S. R | “Product Development of Weight Lifting
Exoskeleton For Soldiers” |
Mr.Dharanesh O H |
4RA19ME010 | Mr. KARTHIK A. S | ||
4RA19ME014 | Mr. MANOJ G. C | ||
Mr.Dharanesh O H |
4RA18MEO15 | Mr. KIRAN KUMAR H.L | ||
4RA18MEO19 | Mr. MANDEEP J | ||
4RA20ME405 | Mr. GURU PRASAD C.B |
Best Projects 2021-22
Student Name | Title |
Guide |
4RA17ME029 | Mr. LEKHAN B. C | Extraction of water from air | Mr. Anand H R |
4RA18ME025 | Mr. MOHAN H. R | ||
4RA18ME027 | Mr. NISHAN S | ||
4RA18MEO50 | Mr. YASHWANTH B | ||
4RA19ME407 | Mr. CHARAN G.S | Fabrication of Multipurpose agricultural vehicle by rocker bogie mechanism | Mr. Vinay L |
4RA19ME408 | Mr. NITHIN H. P | ||
4RA19ME423 | Mr. DILEEP S.B | ||
4RA19ME425 | Mr. MOHANSURYA C. S |
Best Projects 2020-21
USN | Student Name | Title |
Guide |
4RA18ME400 | ABHILASH | Gesture control Robotic Arm | Mr.KK Pavan Kumar |
4RA18ME407 | GOWTHAM B M | ||
4RA18ME408 | DUSHYANTH K S | ||
4RA17ME067 | V DARSHAN | Development of Ragi Mudde making Vessel | Mr.Rajeev KT |
4RA17ME069 | VISHWATH M S | ||
4RA17ME070 | YASHWANTH N. | ||
4RA17ME071 | YATHISH B D |
Best Projects 2019-2020
Student Name | Title |
Guide |
4RA15ME033 | HARSHA U A | Design and Fabrication of Onion De-topping and Sorting Machine | Mr.Muruli AS |
4RA15ME035 | HARSHITH C | ||
4RA15ME042 | LATHESH H P | ||
4RA15ME043 | LOKESH B K | ||
4RA15ME027 | CHARAN P M | Laser Guided Firing Gun and fire extinguisher use in unmanned vehicle | Mr.Muruli A S |
4RA15ME029 | DAKSHATH D | ||
4RA15ME048 | MANOHAR M V | ||
4RA15ME050 | MANU D C |
Sports Achievements
- RIT Men Cricket teams actively participated in Men Cricket Tournament organized under VTU events. Team took part in The VTU Central Karnataka Zone Men Cricket Tournament 2022-23 organized by PESITM, Shivamoga.from 13th to 15th March 2023.
- RIT Men Volleyball teams actively participated in Men Volleyball Tournament organized under VTU events. Team took part in The VTU Central Karnataka Zone Men Volleyball Tournament 2022-23 organized by AIT, Chikkamagaluru from 18th to 19th March 2023.
- RIT Men Football teams actively participated in Men Football Tournament organized under VTU events. Team took part in The VTU Central Karnataka Zone Men Football Tournament 2022-23 organized by JNNCE, Shivamoga.from 05th to 06th Dec 2022.
- RIT M/W Athletic teams actively participated in M/W Athletic Meet organized under VTU events. Team took part in The VTU Inter Collegiate 23Rrd Athletic Meet 2021-22 organized by SJCIT, Chikkaballapura from 27th to 30th june 2022.
- RIT Men Swimming athlete actively participated in Men Swimming Championship organized under VTU events. Team took part in The VTU Inter Zone Men Swimming Championship 2021-22 organized by JYOTY IT BANGALURE from 15th Dec 2021.
- RIT Men Volleyball in the VTU Inter Collegiate Central Karnataka Zone Men Volleyball Tournament 2021-22 at SIT, TUMKUR from 31st NOV to 1st Dec 2021.
- RIT Men volleyball Team actively participated in Men volleyball Tournament organized under VTU events. Team took part in The VTU Inter Collegiate Central Karnataka Zone Men Volleyball Tournament 2021-22 organized by SIT, TUMKUR from 31st NOV to 1st Dec 2021
- RIT Men Cricket teams actively participated in Men Cricket Tournament organized under VTU events. Team took part in The VTU Central Karnataka Zone Men Cricket Tournament 2020-21 organized by SIT, Tumakuru, from 06th to 14th Feb 2020.
- RIT Men Kho-Kho teams actively participated in Men Kho-Kho Tournament organized under VTU events. Team took part in The VTU Inter Collegiate Central Karnataka Zone Men Cricket Tournament 2020-21 organized by SIT, Tumakuru. from 27th to 28th Feb 2020.
- RIT Men Volleyball teams actively participated in Men Volleyball Tournament organized under VTU events. Team took part in The VTU Inter Collegiate Central Karnataka Zone Men Volleyball Tournament 2020-21 organized by SIT, Tumakuru, from 05th to 06th March 2020.
- RIT men Volley ball teams actively participated in Men Volleyball Tournament organized under VTU events. Team took part in The VTU Central Karnataka Zone Men Volley ball Tournament 2019-20 organized by JNNCE Shimoga from 09th to 10th March 2019.
- RIT Men Mallakhamba and Gymnastic players actively participated in Men Mallakhamba and Gymnastic Tournament organized under VTU events. Team took part in VTU Inter Zone Men Mallakhamba and Gymnastic Tournament 2019-20 organized by VEMANA IT, Bangalore from 04th to 05h September 2019.
- RIT Men/Women Athletics teams actively participated in Inter Collegiate Men/Women VTU Athletic Meet organized under VTU events. Team took part in Inter Collegiate Men/Women VTU Athletic Meet 2019-20 organized by Shimoga from 22nd to 25th Oct 2019.
- RIT men Netball teams actively participated in Men Inter Collegiate Men Netball Tournament organized under VTU events. Team took part in VTU Rest of Bangalore Zone Inter Collegiate Men Netball Tournament 2019-20 organized by VDRIT, HALIYAL from 09th to 10th Nov 2019.
- RIT men gymnastic teams actively participated in Men gymnastic Tournament organized under VTU events. Team took part in The VTU Single Zone Inter Collegiate Gymnastic Tournament 2018-19 organized by BMSIT Bangalore from 23rd to 24th October 2018.
- RIT men Athletics actively participated in Men Zone Athletic Meet organized under VTU events. Team took part in The VTU Inter Zone Athletic Meet 2018-19 organized by SJCIT Chikkabalapura from 26th to 29th October 2018.
- RIT men Badminton teams actively participated in Men Badminton Tournament organized under VTU events. Team took part in The VTU Central Karnataka Zone Men Badminton Tournament 2018-19 organized by MEC Hassan from 27th to 28th Aug 2018
- RIT men Kho-Kho teams actively participated in Men Kho-Kho Tournament organized under VTU events. Team took part in The VTU Inter Collegiate Central Karnataka Zone Men Kho-Kho Tournament 2018-19 organized by KIT College Tiptur from 01st to 02nd March 2018.
- RIT men kabaddi team actively participated in Men kabaddi Tournament organized under VTU events. Team took part in The VTU Central Karnataka Zone Inter Collegiate Men Kabaddi Tournament 2018-19 organized by BCE Hassan from 29th to 30th April 2018.
Placements and Higher Studies
Placement Records of 2023- 2024
Sl. No. | COMPANY NAME | No of Students Placed |
1 | Academor | 1 |
3 | Foxconn | 10 |
4 | Movidu Technologies | 1 |
5 | PANACEA Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd | 2 |
Total | 23 |
Sl. No. | STUDENT NAME | USN | Company Name | Salary in Rs. |
1 | DHANUSH H C | 4RA21ME403 | Academor | 3.5 |
2 | HARSHA B S | 4RA21ME405 | FEATHERLITE | 3.25 |
3 | AKSHAY K S | 4RA20ME001 | Foxconn | 2.28 |
4 | DEEPAK K V | 4RA20ME002 | Foxconn | 2.28 |
5 | SATHWIK M J | 4RA20ME005 | Foxconn | 2.28 |
6 | SHASHANK B N | 4RA20ME006 | Foxconn | 2.28 |
7 | CHINMAY M J | 4RA21ME400 | Foxconn | 2.28 |
8 | DEEPAK H R | 4RA21ME402 | Foxconn | 2.28 |
9 | GOWTHAM V R | 4RA21ME404 | Foxconn | 2.28 |
10 | SHIVAKUMARA | 4RA21ME412 | Foxconn | 2.28 |
11 | SHOBHARAJ B S | 4RA21ME413 | Foxconn | 2.28 |
12 | YOGESH | 4RA21ME415 | Foxconn | 2.28 |
13 | SATHWIK M J | 4RA20ME005 | Movidu Technologies | 3.5 |
14 | SATHWIK M J | 4RA20ME005 | PANACEA Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd | 3.25 |
15 | SANJU U N | 4RA21ME411 | PANACEA Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd | 3.25 |
16 | AKSHAY K S | 4RA20ME001 | TOYOTA TOYOKSU | 3.25 |
17 | CHINMAY M J | 4RA21ME400 | TOYOTA TOYOKSU | 3.25 |
18 | DHANUSH H C | 4RA21ME403 | TOYOTA TOYOKSU | 3.25 |
19 | HARSHA B S | 4RA21ME405 | TOYOTA TOYOKSU | 3.25 |
20 | SANJAY D R | 4RA21ME409 | TOYOTA TOYOKSU | 3.25 |
21 | SANJU K | 4RA21ME410 | TOYOTA TOYOKSU | 3.25 |
23 | SHOBHARAJ B S | 4RA21ME413 | TOYOTA TOYOKSU | 3.25 |
Mentoring Module Procedure
A maximum of twenty students are allotted to each one of the Counsellors. The counsellor should collect the details of each student in a prescribed format.
Counsellor should maintain a diary wherein he/she has to enter the details of any important communication happened with student such as not attaining minimum IA marks, long absence of student from classes due to some illness/accident etc. In case if the parent of any student accompanies the student in any of the sessions the version of the parent should be recorded in the diary along with the signatures of the student as well as the parent.
Counsellor should double check with the parent regarding the phone numbers that he/she has of student as well as parents. The counsellor should also inform the parent that any changes in address and contact details of student as well as parent should brought to immediate attention of the Counsellor.
Mentoring frequency The Mentor will schedule about three to four interactive sessions with students. The Counsellors should inform the students the day and time when he/she (counsellor) is free and ask students to meet up during that slot.
1st Mentoring Session will comprise the following points (Before IA test-1): ∙ Mentors will collect the List of Advanced, Average and Slow Learners from the class ∙ Discuss about the students Interests, Hobbies and their inclination towards curricular, co curricular and extracurricular
Discussion of previous semester’s Academic Discussion on importance of internal tests and attendance.
Enquire about the preparations for the 1st Internal
2nd Mentoring Meet (Before IA test-2):
Discuss about the 1st IA performance with respect to courses. If the student performance is unsatisfactory, then reasons for their low scoring are discussed and accordingly suggestions are given.
Students are encouraged to participate in co-curricular and extracurricular activities for various
3rd Mentoring Meet (Before IA test-3):
Discuss about the 2nd IA performance with respect to courses. If the student performance is unsatisfactory, then reasons for their low scoring are discussed and accordingly suggestions are given.
Students will be advised to attend the 3 IA compulsorily and to prepare action plan for the Semester End Exam preparation
4th Mentoring Meet (After IA test-3 Optional):
Non-compliance of any points raised in the above mentoring sessions will ∙ Students will be advised on the above
Note: The Internal Assessment performance and attendance status of each student will be communicated to the respective parents.
Maximum No. of Students per Mentor | 15 to 20 |
Frequency of Mentoring | 3 to 4 per Semester |
Prerequisite | Class Teachers prepares list of Advanced, Average and Slow Learners based on the previous Academic Performance |
Mentoring-I | Discussion and comments on: 1. Previous Performance 2. Hobbies & Co-curricular Activities 3. Teaching and Learning Process |
Mentoring-II | Discussion and comments on: 1. Review of previous counseling 2. IA-1 Performance 3. Teaching and Learning Process |
Mentoring-III | Discussion and comments on: 1. Review of previous counseling 2. IA-2 Performance 3. Teaching and Learning Process |
Mentoring IV (Optional) | Discussion and comments on: 1. Advice on Non-compliances |