
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

About the Department

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering was established in the year 2008 with an initial intake of 60 and was enhanced to 120 in the year 2023 and accredited by National Board of Accreditation(NBA) in the year of 2024. The department has well qualified and experienced faculty members and well-equipped laboratories to meet the quality education as per the university requirements and industry needs.

The Department has ISF (IETE Student Forum) through which various technical activities for students and faculties are conducted. Department also encourages and promotes students to participate in co-curricular activities. Department organizes workshops, seminars and internship programs through technical forum to enhance the students knowledge.

students for Bachelor of Engineering (B.E). The department offers an excellent academic environment with a team of highly qualified and dedicated faculties. Many faculty members are pursuing Ph.D degree The department provides motivation to the students such that, the students can turnout to be globally competent. Innovative and continuous teaching learning process has been adopted which enhances the capabilities of both student and the staff.  The department is facilitated with well-equipped classrooms and laboratories and provide ambient environment for learning process.

The Department has VTU recognized research centre. For the purpose of research activity, a separate laboratory has been established. It consists of LabVIEW software along with virtual hardware bundle consisting of myDAQ and MokuGO. It enables the researchers to simulate their ideologies and to obtain the results. The laboratory is identified as “Centre of Excellence” by TechFLUENT Solutions Private Limited, Hyderabad.

Faculty members have published research papers in peer reviewed journals and constantly attending faculty development programs as a part of technical up-gradation. The department hosts “ElectroRIT” (Department technical club) and “IETE Student Forum” (Student Technical Chapter), New Delhi, to conduct various activities.  The department is actively organizing various events from industry experts to keep the students up-to-date with latest technologies. The department encourages students to participate in technical, sports and cultural activities. As a part of women empowerment program, female students are encouraged to attend industry oriented programs. The department ensures the all-round development of faculties and students.

Message from HOD

Dr. Prakash Kuravatti
Head of the Department

“Welcome to the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering”. In our department, faculty members work for overall development of the students by mentoring them with discipline, good attitude and train them to achieve academic excellence. The department provides a good learning platform for students by organizing workshops and invited talks on various technical and non-technical concepts. Students are always encouraged to participate in workshops, conferences and project presentations conducted/organized by our institution and other institutions to exhibit their technical knowledge and innovative ideas. The department provides a platform for research on various emerging topics through the university recognized research centre. Department of Electronics and Communication is the right place to shape the career and to reach the goal.


  • To create professionally competent and ethically behavioral Electronics and Communication Engineers capable of working across the globe.


  • To impart quality education relevant to Electronics and Communication Engineering.
  • To ensure the learning of latest technologies for career advancements in the relevant field.
  • To instigate professional ethics, leadership qualities and societal service.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSO’s)

  • Graduates will have strong foundation in Communication, Embedded systems, VLSI and Electronic circuits.
  • Graduates will be able to apply the knowledge of Electronics and Communication engineering to identify, formulate and solve engineering and societal problems with the aid of modern tools and techniques.
  • Graduates will be able to work effectively in challenging environments by upholding ethical values in their profession leading them to become potential entrepreneurs.

Program Educational Objectives (PEO’s)

  • To provide students with fundamentals and in-depth knowledge in electronics and communication engineering including theoretical knowledge, practical skills and problem-solving abilities.
  • To train students in multidisciplinary areas to analyse, design and innovate solutions to real world problems leading to socio-economic development.
  • To inculcate individual, team work and leadership qualities by upholding professional and ethical values.

Program Outcomes (POs)

At the end of the B.E program, students are expected to have developed the following outcomes.

  • Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of need for sustainable development.
  • Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and
  • write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Short Term Goals

  • To achieve incremental and sustainable academic performance.
  • To provide employment opportunities to students through training and placement programmes.
  • To enhance teaching, learning and research practices amongst the faculty fraternity and orient them towards research.

Long Term Goals

  • To inculcate technical skills, ethical skills and social responsibility (Workshop, seminar, internship, online courses etc.,) amongst the students.
  • To produce highly competent engineering graduates capable of working across the globe
  • To equip faculty members with technological advancements.
  • To achieve quality research that can resolve the industry, societal and academia setbacks.

Class In-charge Details

SemesterClass Co-ordinatorsEmail IDContact Number
4th  SemMr. Roopesh A R and Ms. Supriya Ananth K A.
6th  SemMrs. Manasa
8th  SemMrs. Lokeshwari H


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering has a fully equipped and well established laboratory facility with latest and sophisticated equipment where students are aspiring to learn with inquisitive nature. Students are continuously directed and guided by experienced and well-qualified faculty members. Through Integrated Lab practices, classroom teaching is implemented by practical work in labs.

Department Library

Department Library is set up to help the students to gain additional knowledge about the subject matter and linked topics. The Library provides Text Books, Reference Books and Previous year question papers to the students. The Library has approximately 150 books in its credit and it also includes copies of the students’ Sample project reports which in turn helps the junior students while undergoing  documentation activity.

Communication Lab

We live in an age where various forms of electronic communication are rapidly expanding and the need for new engineering graduates who are prepared to innovate, create, and work with these systems is evident. The communications lab presently serves to give the ECE students a laboratory experience in advanced communications systems. Advanced communication laboratory will enable students to design & demonstrate the concepts of analog and digital modulation techniques. Students conduct experiments in a communication lab where they become acquainted with oscilloscopes, signal generators, microwave test bench, microstrip dipole and Yagi antennas, directional couplers and optical fibres. Students also learn to simulate the communication concepts, compute and display various resultant parameters along with plots/figures using suitable simulation environments.

Embedded Controller Lab

Embedded controller lab is prescribed for sixth semester students of Electronics and Communication engineering. In this lab the students will be able to understand the instruction set of ARM Cortex M3- a 32 bit Microcontroller, Programming the microcontroller in Assembly language and Embedded C language using various tools.

In this lab “LPC1768” based evaluation boards are used for execution of programs and interfacing various external devices. Keil IDE tool is used for developing the programs and compiling. Flash Magic Tool is used for Programming the Microcontroller.

Computer Networks Lab

Computer Networks Laboratory will enable students to choose suitable tools to model a network & understand the protocols at various OSI reference levels. Students learn to design a suitable network & simulate using a network simulator tool. This laboratory helps the students to simulate the networking concepts & protocols (data link & routing) using C/ C++ programming. And also students learn to model the networks for different configurations & analyse the results.


Analog and Digital Electronics Laboratory

Analog and Digital Electronics laboratory is specially designed and developed for the students to learn about the basic concepts related with the study of rectifiers, amplifiers and oscillators and combinational and sequential logic circuits. The emphasis is also laid for the simulation of logic circuits using with suitable ISE. This laboratory course enables students to get practical experience in design, realization and verification of logic circuits using Digital IC Trainer Kit.


The Verilog HDL Laboratory is well equipped with forward-thinking industry standard Tools. The Laboratory gives hands on experience in the field of Digital Circuits. Verilog is a hardware description language (HDL) used to model electronic systems. It is most commonly used in the design and verification of digital circuits at the register-transfer level of abstraction. Programming can be done using any compiler by downloading the programs on a Spartan FPGA/CPLD boards and performance testing is done using 32 channel pattern generator and logic analyzer apart from verification by simulation with Modelsim tool. Programming capabilities of the students can be enhanced through this laboratory by gaining knowledge to design and simulate digital circuits.


The VLSI Laboratory is well outfitted with forward-thinking industry standard Microwind and Xilinx Tools. The Laboratory gives hands on understanding in the field of Digital Electronics, CMOS VLSI Design, Microelectronics Circuits and Verilog HDL, to experience the practical knowledge. The lab presents the total custom and semi- custom IC design, FPGA & ASIC design and Analog & Mixed Signal design for Analog circuits and Digital circuits. Students gain knowledge to design, simulate and verify schematic and layout of Front end and Back end designs. After practicing software and hardware designing of circuits, the students are able to make projects in the field of IC fabrication.


Digital signal processing laboratory helps the students to learn, analyze and design the techniques that give core knowledge for DSP engineers to develop the laboratory aims at supporting the teaching and research activities in the area of DSP. The laboratory has both software tools and DSP processors. Students simulate number of experiments related to signal processing. Students also use TMS 320C6713 floating-point processor. Programing of the DSP chip is done in C language using the Code Composer Studio integrated development environment.

Additional Lab Facility


LabVIEW (Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineering Work Bench) is a platform and development environment for a graphical programming language from National Instruments. LabVIEW, is used to build virtual instrumentation and take an effective graphical system design approach. LabVIEW is a proven integrated development environment for interfacing with measurement and control hardware, analysing data, publishing results, and distributing systems using a graphical programming approach.  LabVIEW designed to be used in Signal processing, analysis, and connectivity. Integration with real-time systems, FPGAs, and other deployment hardware, data management, logging, and reporting, Application distribution, development tools and validation, Control and simulation.

Research Laboratory

ECE VTU – Research Center was approved in the year 2019 Research laboratory(LabVIEW) was set up in the department in order to enhance the knowledge and skill set of faculties and students.

Research Laboratory

Facilities Available (Hardware/Software Tools)

Research Laboratory

12   computers, LabVIEW (12 user license), MyDAQ (7), MOKUGO (5)

Available Open Source Software Tools:

  • LabVIEW
  • Multisim live
  • Arduino IDE


Available Major Equipment/Software Tool in the Department

Major Equipment/Software Tool


VLSI- Microwind – 25 User Licence

UG students and faculty members utilize for their project’s activities. Microwind tool is used for the simulation, layout, and verification of integrated circuits (ICs)

LabVIEW – 12 User Licence, myDAQ, Moku Go
  • Basic Simulation operations of analog and digital circuits.
  • Internships
  • Projects
Arduino IDE, Keil micro vision 4 free version software tool and ARM CortexM3, MSP 430 kit. PSpice, Eclipse, Scilab.

Project work is carried out using Embedded, IoT & Signal Processing Software  tools

Xilinx evaluation version software for designing and verifying codes of digital logic.

Digital electronics-based project work of UG students and also faculty members working under this area are using this facility.

Computer: Intel Core i3 processor, 3.30Ghz, 128 Gb Hard Disc, Windows 10 OS

Computers with Windows OS are available in the laboratory with internet facility throughout the day.

The computers are installed with open source and licensed software procured by the department for various labs and for research and academic purposes.

CRO:30 MHz, 2 Channel,4Trace

DSO: 25 250MSa/s, 2 CH Signal Generator: 2 to 3MHz.

The project lab is equipped with standard well serviced quality equipment required for performing circuit-based testing and implementation in either breadboard or PCB based implementations.

Student Learning Centric details – Even Semester(2023-2024)

4th SEM
Sl. No.Subject NameSubject CodeCourse ModulesLesson planNotes of lessonsPPTLaboratory Manual
1Universal Human Values (UHV)BUHK408LinkLinkLink
3Microcontrollers LabBECL456ALink
4Engineering ElectromagneticsBEC401LinkLinkLink
5Control SystemsBEC403LinkLinkLink
6Biology for EngineersBBOK407LinkLinkLink

6th SEM
Sl. No.Subject NameSubject CodeCourse ModulesLesson planNotes of lessonsPPTLaboratory Manual
1VLSI Laboratory21ECL66LinkLink
2VLSI Design and Testing21EC63LinkLinkLink
3Technological Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship21EC61LinkLinkLink
4Microwave theory and Antennas21EC62LinkLinkLink

8th SEM
Sl. No.Subject NameSubject CodeCourse ModulesLesson planNotes of lessonsPPTLaboratory Manual
1Wireless  and Cellular Communication18EC81LinkLinkLink
2Optical Communication Networks18EC824LinkLinkLink

Student Learning Centric details – Odd Semester(2023-2024)

3rd Semester Subjects
Sl. No.Subject NameSubject CodeFaculty NameCourse ModulesLesson planNotes of lessonsPPTLaboratory Manual
1AV Mathematics – IIIBMATEC301Mrs. Brunda HLinkLinkLink
2Digital System Design using VerilogBEC302Mr.Ravi L SLinkLinkLinkLink
3Electronic Principles & CircuitsBEC303Mr.Vishwanath B RLinkLinkLinkLink
4Network AnalysisBEC304Mrs.Lokeshwari H SLinkLinkLink
5Sensors & InstrumentationBEC306BMr. Shubas S RLinkLinkLink
6Analog and Digital System Design LabBECL305Mr. Rohith P & Mr. Shubas S RLinkLinkLink
7LabVIEW ProgrammingBEC358AMrs.Manasa A & Mrs. Lokeshwari H SLinkLinkLink

5th Semester Subjects
Sl. No.Subject NameSubject CodeFaculty NameCourse ModulesLesson planNotes of lessonsPPTLaboratory Manual
1Digital Communication21EC51Mrs. Manasa ALinkLinkLink
2Computer Organization & ARM Microcontroller21EC52Mr. Rohith PLinkLinkLinkLink
3Computer Communication Networks21EC53Mrs. Ambika KLinkLinkLinkLink
4Electro Magnetic Waves21EC54Ms. Supriya Ananth K ALinkLinkLinkLink
5Research Methodology & IPR21EC56Dr. Aravind B NLinkLinkLink
6Communication Laboratory II21ECL55Mr. Vishwanath B R & Mrs. Rekha M GLinkLink
7Data Structure using C++21EC584Ms. Supriya Ananth K A & Dr. Aravind B NLinkLink

7th Semester Subjects
Sl. No.Subject NameSubject CodeFaculty NameCourse ModulesLesson planNotes of lessonsPPTLaboratory Manual
1Computer Networks18EC71Mrs. Ambika KLinkLinkLinkLink
2VLSI Design18EC72Mrs. Manasa ALinkLinkLink
3DSP Algorithms & Architecture18EC733Dr.Rammurthy DLinkLinkLink
4IoT and Wireless sensor network18EC741Mr. Ravi L SLinkLinkLinkLink
5Energy & Environment18ME751Mr. Hanoca PLinkLinkLinkLink
6Computer Networks Lab18ECL76Dr. Aravind B N & Mrs. Ambika KLinkLinkLink
7VLSI lab18ECL77Dr.Rammurthy D & Mrs. Manasa ALinkLinkLink


Student Learning Centric details – Odd Semester(2022-2023)

3rd SEM
Sl. No.Subject NameSubject CodeCourse ModulesLesson planNotes of lessonsPPTLaboratory Manual
1Transform Calculus, Fourior Series21MAT31LinkLinkLinkLink
2Digital System Design using Verilog21EC32LinkLinkLinkLink
3Basic Signal Processing21EC33LinkLinkLinkLink
4Analog Electronic Circuits21EC34LinkLinkLinkLink
5Analog and Digital Electronics Lab21ECL35LinkLinkLink
6Social Connect & Responsibility21SCR36LinkLinkLinkLink
5th SEM
Sl. No.Subject NameSubject CodeCourse ModulesLesson planNotes of lessonsPPTLaboratory Manual
1Technological Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship18ES51LinkLinkLinkLink
2Digital Signal Processing18EC52LinkLinkLinkLink
3Principles of Communication Systems18EC53LinkLinkLinkLink
4Information Theory & Coding18EC54LinkLinkLinkLink
5Electro Magnetic Waves18EC55LinkLinkLinkLink
6Verilog HDL18EC56LinkLinkLinkLink
7Digital Signal Processing Laboratory18ECL57LinkLinkLink
8HDL Laboratory 18ECL58LinkLinkLink
7th SEM
Sl. No.Subject NameSubject CodeCourse ModulesLesson planNotes of lessonsPPTLaboratory Manual
1Computer Networks18EC71LinkLinkLinkLink
2VLSI Design18EC72LinkLinkLinkLink
3Digital Image Processing18EC733LinkLinkLinkLink
4IoT and Wireless sensor network18EC741LinkLinkLinkLink
5Energy & Environment 18ME751LinkLinkLinkLink
6Computer Networks Lab18ECL76LinkLinkLink
7VLSI lab 18ECL77LinkLinkLink

Student Learning Centric details –Even Semester(2022-2023)

4th Sem
Sl. No.Subject NameSubject CodeCourse ModulesLesson planNotes of lessonsPPTLaboratory Manual
1Maths for Communication Engineers21EC41LinkLinkLinkLink
2Digital Signal Processing21EC42LinkLinkLinkLinkLink
3Circuits & Controls21EC43LinkLinkLinkLink
4Communication Theory21EC44LinkLinkLinkLink
5Biology For Engineers21BE45LinkLinkLinkLink
6Communication Laboratory I21ECL46LinkLinkLink
7Universal Human Values 21UH49LinkLinkLink
8DAQ using LabVIEW21EC481
6th SEM
Sl. No.Subject NameSubject CodeCourse ModulesLesson planNotes of lessonsPPTLaboratory Manual
1Digital Communication18EC61LinkLinkLinkLink
2Embedded Systems18EC62LinkLinkLinkLink
3Microwaves & Antennas18EC63LinkLinkLinkLink
4Digital System Design using Verilog18EC644LinkLinkLinkLink
5Ocupational Health & Safety18CV653LinkLinkLinkLink
6Embedded Systems Laboratory18ECL66LinkLinkLink
7Communication Laboratory 18ECL67LinkLinkLink
8th SEM
Sl. No.Subject NameSubject CodeCourse ModulesLesson planNotes of lessonsPPTLaboratory Manual
1Wireless  and Cellular Communication18EC81LinkLinkLinkLink
2Optical Communication Networks18EC824LinkLinkLinkLink

Lab videos



Sponsored Projects


Academic Year Project Title Principal Investigator Name of the Funding Agency

Amount Sanctioned

1. 2023-24 Automatic Train System & Speed Control System for Automobiles Mrs. Rekha M G KSCST Rs. 5,500/-
2. 2022-23 Solar Organic Waste Composter Mrs. Manasa  A KSCST Rs.6,000/-
3 2020-21 Programmable Low Cost UV-C & Sanitizing Room Disinfection ROBO for Controlling Pandemic Infection by Using IoT Mr. Vishwanath B R KSCST Rs. 6,000/-
4. 2019-20 Autonomous Agricultural Robot for Sustainable Agricultural practices in Polyhouse and Greenhouse using AI, ML and IoT Mr. Vishwanath B R KSCST Rs. 4,000/-




Title of the Invention Inventor Name Application Number Date of Filing

Date of Publication

  1. Smart Home Security Camera

Dr. Aravind B N,       

Mrs. Ambika K, Mr. Ravi L S, Mr. Vishwanath B R, Mrs. Manasa A, Mr. Rohith P, Mrs.Lokeshwari H S

406686-001 5.02.2024 5.04.2024
  2. Agriculture Drone for Monitoring and Spraying Pesticides

Dr. Rammurthy D,& Mr. Shubas S R, Ms. Supriya Ananth K A,

 Mrs. Rekha M G, Mr.Roopesh A R

406895-001 7.02.2024 18.04.2024
3. Remote Aquatic Environmental Monitoring using IoT

Mr. Rohith P

202341001680 09.01.2023 20.01.2023
4.  Decentralized Data Storage and Processing Method for Automatic Wireless Network Authentication in an IoT System

Dr. Aravind B N

        2021103108           2021 2021


Books Published


Title of the Book Name of the Author Publisher


1. Arduino for Beginners:

 Basics to IoT

Dr. Aravind B N

BUUKS, April 2021 9789330376461
2. A Birds Eye View on Arduino

Dr. Aravind B N

BUUKS, November 2019 9789389604542


Books Chapters Published


Title of the Chapter Name of the Author Publisher


1. Image Denoising: Important Methods in Spatial Domain and Transform Domain

Dr. Aravind B N

CRC Press Accepted for Publication
2. A Novel Algorithm for Reconfigurable Architecture for Software Defined Radio Receiver on Baseband Processor for Demodulation

Dr. Aravind B N

Springer Online, Jan 2023 978-3-031-13577-4


Publications from the Department


Academic Year Journal Publication


Conference Publication

1. 2023-24 3 5
2. 2022-23 3 7
3 2021-22 1
4. 2020-21 7



Sl. No Title of paper Author’s Name Journal /Conference Name International / National Indexing  




1. Realization of Carry-Look ahead Adder using Reversible Gates Mr. Ravi L S International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information, communication and Applications (ERCICA) International Accepted for Publication  

June 2024

2. Enhancing Efficiency and Performance with Reversible Fault Tolerant Gate Designs Mr. Ravi L S International Journal of Intelligent Systems & Applications in Engineering(IJISAE) International Accepted for Publication  

May 2024

3. Efficient Design of Configurable Logic Block with Customized LUT using Reversible Fault Tolerant Gates Mr. Ravi L S International Journal of Intelligent Systems & Applications in Engineering(IJISAE) International Scopus  


January 2024

4. Selective Harmonic Elimination: A Comparative Analysis for Three-Phase Cascaded H-bridge Nine-Level Inverter Mr. Vishwanath B R International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering. International  




January 2024

5. Three Phase Cascaded H-Inverters: A Comparative study of GOA and FGOA for selective Harmonic Elimination Mr. Vishwanath B R International Conference on Recent Advances in Science and Engineering Technology  (ICRASET-2023),BGSIT International  



23rd & 24th November 2023

6. Classification of Fall detection based on daily living activities using Machine Learning Approach Mr. Vishwanath B R International Conference on Recent Advances in Science and Engineering Technology  (ICRASET-2023),BGSIT International  



23rd & 24th November 2023

7.  Digital system design of ALU using Revertible logic gates


Mr. Ravi L.S International Conference on Recent Advances in Science and Engineering

Technology(ICRASET-2023), BGSIT



International Scopus  

23rd & 24th November 2023

8. Gray Level Image Contrast Enhancement Using Hybrid BAT and Moth Flame Optimization


Mr. Ravi L.S International Conference on Recent Advances in Science and Engineering Technology (ICRASET-2023), BGSIT


International Scopus  

23rd & 24th November 2023

9. Study on VGG16 Transfer Learning Model for Goat/Sheep Image Classification


Mr. Ravi L.S International Conference on Recent Advances in Science and Engineering

Technology(ICRASET-2023), BGSIT



International Scopus  

23rd & 24th November 2023



Sl. No. Title of paper Authors Name Journal/ Conference Name International /National Indexing
1 Analysis of Hypertension using fusion of EEG and fNIRS features Dr. Mahesh P. K


Journal of TONGJI UNIVERSITY International Scopus Indexing
2 Novel Approach of Breast Cancer Detection Based on Wireless Communication System Mr. Rohith P Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results International Google Scholar
3 Analysis of Value Stream Mapping Framework with Machine Learning Techniques Mr. Ravi L S Advances in computing, Control &Telecommunication Technologies – ACT 2023 International Scopus Indexing
4 Review paper on Brain wave Sensor for identification and control of hypertension Dr. Mahesh P K Advances in computing, Control &Telecommunication Technologies – ACT 2023 International Scopus Indexing
5 Anti-Theft Vehicle Protection Mr. Ravi L S  National Conference on Emerging Techniques in Engineering National IEEE, IETE
6 Design and Implementation of n bit Sequence Detector using FSM Model Mr. Ravi L S Advances in computing, Control &Telecommunication Technologies – ACT 2023 International Scopus Indexing
7 Cross Polarized Radiations Suppression in Modified Sphere Dielectric Resonator Antenna Using Perturbation Technique Mrs. Lokeshwari H S Advances in computing, Control &Telecommunication Technologies – ACT 2023 International Scopus Indexing
8 Estimation of landslide damage areas in Madenaadu Kodagu District using minimum Distance classifier Mrs. Manasa A Advances in computing, Control & Telecommunication Technologies – ACT 2023 International Scopus indexing
9 Supervised Maximum Likelihood Approach for Land Use Land Cover Dynamics in Semi-Urban Area Mrs. Ambika K Advances in computing, Control & Telecommunication Technologies – ACT 2023 International Scopus Indexing


Crop Yield Prediction using Machine Learning Analysis Mr.  Vishwanath B R


Advances in computing, Control & Telecommunication Technologies – ACT 2023 International
11 VANET: A Vehichle showing path to another Vehicle Mr. Rohith P Advances in computing, Control & Telecommunication Technologies – ACT 2023 International
12 Cloud based Women Safety Management and Black box using Automation and IoT Mr. Rohith P Advances in computing, Control & Telecommunication Technologies – ACT 2023 International
13 Single Axis Solar Tracking sytem using Arduino Mrs. Manasa A Advances in computing, Control & Telecommunication Technologies – ACT 2023 International
14 Grading Mangoes Quality Using Machine learning based on external features Dr. Aravind B N Advances in computing, Control & Telecommunication Technologies – ACT 2023 International
15 Distance measurement of object using Arduino Uno Mrs. Ambika K Advances in computing, Control & Telecommunication Technologies – ACT 2023 International
16 Automated Train system and speed control system for auto mobiles Mrs. Rekha M G

Mr. Rohith P

Advances in computing, Control & Telecommunication Technologies – ACT 2023 International
17 Sericulture Farm Automation using IOT Mrs. Rekha M G Advances in computing, Control & Telecommunication Technologies – ACT 2023 International
18 Coal safety monitoring system. Mrs. Rekha M G Advances in computing, Control & Telecommunication Technologies – ACT 2023 International


Sl. No. Title of paper Author’s Name Journal Name International / National Indexing
1 Sensor Node Localization and Visualization in Underwater Sensor Networks

Mr. Yashwanth N

Mrs. Yogeshwary B H

International Journal of Advanced Scientific Innovation (IJASI) International Google scholar


Sl. No Title of paper Author’s Name Journal Name International / National Indexing
1 Flame detection using image processing techniques

Mr. Ravi L.S


International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology International Google Scholar
2 Plant disease detection using image processing techniques

Mr. Ravi L.S


International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology International Google Scholar
3 Real Route Navigation system based Automated Stereo, Volume Control in Vehicles

Mr..Yashwanth N

Mrs. Yogeshwary B H



International Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering and Management (IJITEE) International Google Scholar
4 Pyramid based Progressive Transmission System with Hybrid Compression Scheme for Medical Images

Mr. Ravikiran H K,


Springer Nature Computer Science International Springer
5 Development of Security Device with Automation for Home Appliances

Mr. Ravikiran H K


International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) NCCDS – 2020 Conference Proceedings National

Sl. No. Name of the Faculty Citation h-ndex i10-index
1 Dr. Mahesh P K 186 5 3
2 Dr. Aravind B N 37 3 2
3 Dr. Rammurthy D 75 2 1
4 Mr. Vishwanath B. R. 13 2 0
5 Mr. Ravi L.S. 2 1 0
6 Mr. Rohith P. 1 1 0




Students Achievement in National/State Level Technical Events

Sl. No. Academic Year Name of the Students Project Title Principal Investigator Name of the Funding Agency

Amount Sanctioned

1. 2023-24 Mr. SWAGATH B. J.
Automated Train System and Speed Control System for Automobiles Mrs. Rekha M G & Mr. Rohith P KSCST Rs. 5,500/-
2. 2022-23 Ms. Spoorthi D N

Ms. Tejaswini A

Ms. Harshitha C R

Ms. Anusha B U

Solar Organic Waste Composter Mrs. Manasa A KSCST Rs.6,000/-




Ms. Lavanya K S

Ms. Nagaveni K J

 Ms.Priyank H C

 Ms. Ramya K

Programmable Low-Cost UV-C & Sanitizing Room Disinfection ROBO for Controlling Pandemic Infection by Using IoT Mr. Vishwanath B R KSCST Rs. 6,000/-
4. 2019-20 Ms. Sumaiya P

Ms. Chandini S R

Ms. Tejaswini S

Ms. Pooja

Autonomous Agricultural Robot for Sustainable Agricultural practices in Polyhouse and Greenhouse using AI, ML and IoT Mr. Vishwanath B R KSCST Rs. 4,000/-


VTU Sponsored Projects

Academic Year Name of the Students Project Title

Guide Name


Ms. Hema B M

Ms. Sanjana C

Ms. Anjana H M

Ms. Veda

Solar Powered Wheel Chair for Physically Disabled Persons Mrs. Manasa A

Ms. Sharadhi

Ms. Smitha H R

Ms. Suchithra S N

Machine learning Based Data reduction in WSN for Smart Agriculture Mrs. Yogeshwary B H

Mr. Ashoka K C

Mr. Rangaswamy K S

Ms.Tasmiya Khanum K T

Sign Language recognition using Image Based Hand gesture recognition techniques Mrs. Rekha M G
2019-20 Ms. A A Priyanka

Ms.Ayesha Tasleem


Ms.Tanuja K S

Contriving of ROV

for Underwater Exploration

Mr. Yashwant N

Mr. Abhishek L S

Mr. K Y Karthik

Mr.Shashank H K

Mr. Vighnesh S M

Smart Transportation Mrs. Yogeshwary B H

Mr. Madhusudhan J R

Ms. Roja G C

Ms. Darshini M

Mr.Sanju A C

Handwritten script recognition system using machine learning Ms. Shalini I S

Ms. Pallavi K T

Ms. Sangeetha B A

Ms. Aishwarya H S

Data Management and Measurement of Milk Using Cloud Applications Mrs. Manasa A



USN Name of the Student


8th 4RA20EC009

Hamsa D

7th 4RA20EC009

Hamsa D

6th 4RA22EC409

Sanju G P

5th 4RA21EC005

Amulya D P

4th 4RA22EC006

Bommidihalli Vindu Sri

3rd 4RA22EC006

Bommidihalli Vindu Sri



Name of the Student USN


3rd Ms. Rani A T 4RA21EC041 9.67
4th Ms. Rani A T 4RA21EC041 9.36
5th Ms. Hamsa D 4RA20EC009 8.72
6th Ms. Chandana S Y 4RA20EC005 9.42
7th Mr. Bharath R 4RA19EC007 8.6
8th Mr. Bharath R 4RA19EC007 9.67

Sl. No. Name of the Students Event Details Event Date/Year Institution/ Organization Achievement
1. Mr. Swagat B J

Ms. Rashmitha S

Ms.Poorvika H R

Ms.Aishwarya T M



17th & 18th January 2024 CS&E Department

RIT, Hassan


1st Prize


Ms.Aishwarya H H

Ms. Surabhi H S


VTU State Level Intercollegiate Women’s Volleyball Tournament 13th January 2024 KIT, Tiptur 1st Prize
3. Mr. Charan H R

Mr. Gagan V R

Ms. Surabhi H S


VTU Regional Level Techno Cultural Fest

11th & 12th January 2024 VTU Regional Centre,  Mysore
4 Ms.Aishwarya H H

Ms. Surabhi H S


Rest of Bangalore Division, Women’s Volleyball Meet 9th & 10th January 2024 KIT, Tiptur Ist Prize
5. Mr. Swagat B J

Ms. Rashmitha S

Ms.Poorvika H R

Ms.Aishwarya T M


Project Exhibition

19th December 2023 E&C Department

RIT, Hassan


1st Prize
6. Ms. Shruthi G Kamblimath

Ms. Soujanya M


Poster Presentation

19th December 2023 E&C Department

RIT, Hassan


1st Prize


Sl. No.

Name of the Students Event Details Event Date/Year Institution/ Organization


1.       Mr. Asim Mohammed Delvi Hackathon Challenge 9th -11th Dec 2022 Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan-573201


I Prize
2.       Mr. Swagath B J State level Techno cultural Fest SAVISHKAR-2023 Jan 2023 Jain College of Engineering & Research, Udyambag, Belagavi-590008. I prize
3.       Mr. Swagath B J National level paper presentation of ENIGMA 2023 – Annual state level technical Fest. June 2023 Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan-573201. II prize
4.       Ms. Hamsa D

Ms. Aishwarya

Talk on Technical Entrepreneurship


Dec 2022 East point College of Engineering & Technology, Bengaluru II Prize
5.       Mr. Swagath B J

Ms. Hamsa D

Ms. Nisarga

Ms. Aishwarya

Project presentation for AIKYA-2022 12th Dec 2022 East point College of Engineering & Technology, Bengaluru
6.       Mr. Nesara H S

Mr. Harsha

Mr. Akash

Mr. Lankesh C A

Project presentation for AIKYA-2022 Dec 2022 East point College of Engineering & Technology, Bengaluru
7.       Ms. Kavya M

Ms. G N Ruchitha

Ms. Swathi K Y

Ms. Sumithra


24-hour Hackathon

21st and 22nd Dec 2022 IEEE Mysuru subsection and ATMECE Mysuru
8.       Mr. Nesara H S

Mr. Harsha

Mr. Akash

Mr. Lankesh C A


24-hour Hackathon

21st and 22nd Dec 2022 IEEE Mysuru subsection and ATMECE Mysuru
9.       Mr. Samrudh Sujai M

Mr. Mohammed Tayaib Ayubi

VTU Central Karnataka Zone Men Football Tournament


05th to 06th Dec 2022 JNNCE, Shivamoga
10.    Ms. Spoorthi D N

Ms. Tejaswini A

Ms. Harshitha C R

Ms. Anusha B U

46th series state level Seminar and Exhibition of student project programme 11th and 12th August 2023. Alvas Institute of Engineering and Technology, Moodbidri
11.    Mr. Samrudh Sujai M

Mr. B S Tejas

Mr. Shri Rohith Challagulla

Mr. Vikas R

Project Exhibition

“Jnana-Vijnana-Tantrajnana Mela -2023”

19th and 20th Feb 2023 ACU, B G Nagar.
12.    Mr. Varun M S Internship on Automatic puncture detection machine using LabVIEW 27th Feb to 20th March 23 Vi solutions


13.    Mr. Swagath B J

Mr. Bharath R

Mr. Vikas R

Ms. Kruthika H M

project competition and giving best Business Idea for the development of the country 28th Feb 2023 FKCCI MANTHAN, Bengaluru
14.    Ms. Harshitha M P

Ms. Nisarga B R

Ms. Rakshitha Raj

Ms. Harshitha B J

VTU Central Karnataka Zone Women Throwball Tournament 2022-23 16th to 17th March 2023 SIT, Tumakuru  

15.    Mr. Manoj S D VTU Central Karnataka Zone Men Cricket Tournament 2022-23  13th to 15th March 2023 PESITM, Shivamoga  

16.    Mr. Abhay K P VTU Central Karnataka Zone Volleyball Tournament 2022-23 18th to 19th March 2023 AIT, Chikkamagalure  

17.    Mr. Swagath B J Paper Presentation event of INSIGNIA’23 May 2023 SDM college of Engineering & Technology Dharwad-580002.
18.    Mr. Vikas K Y Sports

24th VTU Inter Collegiate State Level Athletic Meet 2022-2023

May 2023 VTU, Belagavi
19.    Mr. Swagath B J -National Conference on Emerging Technologies in Engineering, NCETE – 2k23 May 2023 Navkis College of Engineering, Haasan-573217
20.    Mr. Swagath B J mini project competition July 2023 Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology & management – Bengaluru -560082
21.    Mr. Swagath B J YESIST’12 2023 KLE Institute of Technology, Hubballi.


22.    Mr. Swagath B J Industry oriented internship 16th Aug 2023 to 16th Sep 2023 Printalytix Pvt.Ltd
23.    Ms. Hamsa D Young IoT Prodigy 8th Sep 2023 Infosys




Sl. no. Name of the Students Event Details Event Date/Year Institution/ Organization


1.       Ms. Revathi R P

Ms. Anusha P

Ms. Thara M C

State level Paper poster presentation competition 30th Sep 2021 Sapthagiri College of Engineering, Bengaluru, in association with IETE Bengaluru


2.       Mr. Shivaranjan H P

Mr. Abhay K P

VTU Inter Collegiate Central Karnataka Zone Men Volleyball Tournament


31st Nov to 1st Dec 2021 SIT, TUMKUR
3.       Mr. Vikas R Workshops on

State level entrepreneurial event

Dec 3rd and 4th of 2021 FIGMA workshop at Malnad college of engineering, Hassan
4.       Ms. Khushi A M Workshops on

State level entrepreneurial event

Dec 3rd and 4th of 2021 FIGMA workshop at Malnad college of engineering, Hassan
5.       Ms. Nischitha I S Workshops on

State level entrepreneurial event

Dec 3rd and 4th of 2021 FIGMA workshop at Malnad college of engineering, Hassan
6.       Ms. Vishmitha D Workshops on

State level entrepreneurial event

Dec 3rd and 4th of 2021 FIGMA workshop at Malnad college of engineering, Hassan
7.       Mr. Bharath R Six Days Technical Workshop 25th to 30th May 2022 Indian Institute of Embedded Systems (IIES)

Bengaluru 560095, Karnataka

8.       Ms. Monisha B V

Ms. Harshitha M P

Ms. Sahana P

VTU Central Karnataka Zone Women Throwball Tournament 2021-22 07th to 08th June 2022. KIT, Tiptur
9.       Mr. Asim Mohammed Delvi Hackathon Challenge 11th -12th June 2022 iNeuron

Bengaluru 560095, Karnataka

10.    Ms. Rashmi B P Internship on Python Full Stack development and miniproject on “BAR PLOT IN MATPLOTLIB” 21st August 2022to 19th sep 2022 Drops solutions

Bengaluru 560095, Karnataka



Sl. No. Name of the Students Event Details Event Date/Year Institution/ Organization


1.       Mr. Nithin A AIKIA-20 INSIGHT Mini project Competition 27th Nov


East point College of Engineering and technology, Bengaluru First Place
2.       Mr. Abhishek M R VTU Inter Collegiate Central Karnataka Zone Men Kho Kho Tournament 2020-21 27th to 28th Feb 2020. SIT, Tumkur
3.       Ms. Divya A G

Mr. Jeevan T T

Mr. Manoj G

Workshop on Raspberry Pi &Python 17th and 18th Feb 2020 Pincore Technologies, Bangaluru
4.       Mr. Bharath R Workshop on circuit simulation and PCB layout Design using ORCAD 11th and 12th Feb 2020 Entuple Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore
5.       Ms. Divya A G

Mr. Manoj G

Workshop on IoT


27th Feb to 1st March 2020 ROFOS GLUG,

Free software Movement Karnataka

6.       Mr. Adeeb Naiyer Workshop on IoT


27th Feb to 1st March 2020 ROFOS GLUG,

Free software Movement Karnataka

7.       Mr. Jeevan T T

Mr. Manoj G

Makerspace program 2020 Infosys, Mysuru
8.       Mr. Vimarsh S VTU Inter Collegiate Central Karnataka Zone Men Volleyball

Tournament 2020-21

05th to 06th   March 2020. SIT, Tumakur  


9.       Ms. Kavya H R Inter Collegiate Rest of Bangalore Zone Women Volleyball Tournament 2020-21 12th March 2020. JNNCE, Shivamogga  

10.    Ms. Chandana R

Mr. Jeveen T T

Mr. Likith D H

Mr. Manoj G

Project Exhibition

“Jnana-Vijnana-Tantrajnana Mela -2020”

2020 ACU, B G Nagar
11.    Ms. Kruthika H M Webinar on

Research & Innovation

17th to 21st August 2020 Department of ISE VVCE, Mysuru.
12.    Ms. Divya A G Seminar on Exploring the Landscape of Machine learning and AI at the edge of Industrial automation 31st August 2020 Pincore Technologies, Bengaluru
13.    Ms. Chandana R

Ms. Divya A G

Workshop (online) on understanding of coastal ocean processes using remote sensing and Numerical modelling 21st Sep to 25th Sep 2020 Indian institute of remote sensing (IIRS), ISRO, Dehradun
14.    Mr. Bharath. R Webinar on Underwater Wireless Networks 13th November 2020. The Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) Mysuru Centre


15.    Mr. Varun M S Webinar on Underwater Wireless Networks 13th November 2020 The Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) Mysuru Centre


16.    Ms. Chandana R E-Quiz in Operating systems 06th Dec 2020 Moodlakatte Institute of technology, Kundapura
17.    Ms.Shilpa K H

Ms.Pooja B R

Ms.Nandini K

Ms.Darshini D N

Paper publication 2020 International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) NCCDS – 2020 Conference Proceedings GSSSIETW, Mysuru
18.    Ms. Moulya H C,

Ms. Hemalatha H.C

Ms. Pooja G T

Ms. Soundarya A

Paper publication 2020 International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) NCCDS – 2020 Conference Proceedings GSSSIETW, Mysuru
19.    Mr. Harsha H L

Ms. Sushma C

Mr. Swaroop M

Ms. Thimme Kavya

Paper publication 2020 International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) NCCDS – 2020 Conference Proceedings GSSSIETW, Mysuru
20.    Ms. Kavyashree S G  National Level IEEE Project Competition-2021 26th June 2021 GSSSIETW, Mysuru
21.    Ms. Kruthika H M International Competition on

Embedded System using Tinker CAD

July 24th 2021 East point College of Engineering & Technology, Bengaluru


List of Available Research Supervisors

Sl. No.Name of the DepartmentName of the SupervisorDesignation

Area of Specialization

1.E&CDr. Mahesh P KPrincipalImage Processing
2.E&CDr. Prakash KuravattiProfessor & HODElectronics (Antennas)
3.E&CDr. Rammurthy DProfessor & Dean AcademicImage Processing
4.E&CDr. Aravind B NProfessor Image Processing


List of Research Scholars at RIT Research Centre

Sl. No.

Research GuideName of the ScholarUniversityYear of Registration


1.Dr. Mahesh P KMr. Praveena SindagiVTU2017Ph.D. Awarded in 2024
2.Dr. Mahesh P KMr. Guru Prasad K NVTU2020Course Work Completed
3.Dr. Prakash KuravattiMr. Keerthi A KumbarVTU2022Registered
4Dr. Aravind B NMr. Roopesh A RVTU2024Registered


Faculty Pursuing Ph.D.

Sl. No.

Name of the FacultyName of the DepartmentYear of Registration


1.Mr. Vishwanath B RE&C2015Thesis Submitted
2.Mr. Ravi L SE&C2019About to Take Open Seminar 
3.Mrs. Lokeshwari H SE&C2022Course Work Completed
4.Mrs.Ambika KE&C2023About to take Course Work
5.Mrs. Manasa AE&C2023About to take Course Work
6.Mr. Roopesh A RE&C2024Registered


Patent Publication Details

Sl. No.

TitleInventor NameApplication NumberDate of Filing

Date of Publication

1.Decentralized Data Storage and Processing Method for Automatic Wireless Network Authentication in an IoT SystemDr. Aravind B N20211031082021
2.Remote Aquatic Environmental Monitoring using IoTMr. Rohith P20234100168009.01.202320.01.2023
3.Smart Home Security Camera

Dr. Aravind B N,       

Mrs. Ambika K,   

Mr. Ravi L S,      

Mr. Vishwanath B R,

Mrs. Manasa A,

Mr. Rohith P,

Mrs.Lokeshwari H S

4.Agriculture Drone for Monitoring and Spraying Pesticides

Dr. Rammurthy D, 

Mr. Shubas S R, 

Ms. Supriya Ananth K A,

Mrs. Rekha M G,

Mr.Roopesh A R



Details of Sponsored Research

Sl. No.

Title of the ProposalFaculty NameApplied Agency


1.Automatic Train System & Speed Control System for AutomobilesMrs. Rekha M GKSCSTSanctioned
2.Solar Organic Waste ComposterMrs. Manasa  AKSCSTSanctioned
3.Programmable Low Cost UV-C & Sanitizing Room Disinfection ROBO for Controlling Pandemic Infection by Using IoTMr. Vishwanath B RKSCSTSanctioned
4.Autonomous Agricultural Robot for Sustainable Agricultural practices in Polyhouse and Greenhouse using AI, ML and IoTMr. Vishwanath B RKSCSTSanctioned



The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Rajeev Institute Technology, Hassan has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) formally with

Techfluent Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Nagole_Bandlaguda Main Road, Hyderabad-500068, Telangana

Duration: One Year with effect from 05.05.2023

Scope of the MoU:

  • Centre of Excellence (COE)
  • Industrial Training & Visits
  • Skill Development Programs
  • Guest Lectures & Workshops
  • Faculty development program
  • Placement of Trained Students

 Primary Objectives: 

  • Train the students on LabVIEW platform
  • Prepare the students ready to take up certificate examinations
  • Conduct online LabVIEW certification examinations
  • Help students to carry out their mini and major projects in various domains using LabVIEW platform
  • Train faculty members on LabVIEW platform, and as an outcome of this Faculty can use LabVIEW for their research work
  • Conduct FDPs / Workshops / Seminars on LabVIEW for the benefit of faculty members and students


No. of Students Trained

No. of Faculty members Trained





The Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, in association with the Training & Placement Department, is constantly engaging in shaping up the career growth of the students. Department provides and arranges training related to personality development, skill development, aptitude building, communication skill, group discussion and personal interview to mentor the students in a right direction and to make them industry ready.




Total no. of Students





(* Indicates Ongoing Process)

Sl. No Student Name USN Name of the Employer
1 Aishwarya T M 4RA20EC001 Foxconn
2 Akash K M 4RA20EC002 Foxconn
3 Amulya S M 4RA20EC004 Foxconn/Academor
4 Chandana SY 4RA20EC005 Academor
5 G N Ruchitha 4RA20EC008 Foxconn/Academor
6. Hamsa D 4RA20EC009 Academor
7. Harsha H S 4RA20EC010 Foxconn
8. Lankesh C A 4RA20EC013 Foxconn
9. Nesara H S 4RA20EC018 Foxconn
10. Poorvika H R 4RA20EC020 Foxconn
11. Prakruthi T C 4RA20EC021 Foxconn
12. Sahana M G 4RA20EC023 Foxconn
13. Sinchana M K 4RA20EC026 Foxconn
14. Sumithrabai G N 4RA20EC028 Foxconn
15. Swathi K Y 4RA20EC029 Foxconn
16. Kavya M 4RA21EC402 Foxconn
17. Shashikala M K 4RA21EC405 Foxconn /Academor
18. Swagath B J 4RA21EC407 Foxconn


Sl. No Student Name Enrolment No. Name of the Employer
1 Abhay K P 4RA19EC001 NXT Mobility Energy Private Limited
2 Nethravathi D S 4RA19EC018 DevTools
3 Kruthika H M 4RA19EC028 ACCORD
4 Mohammad Tayaib Ayubi 4RA19EC037 NXT Mobility Energy Private Limited
5 Manasa Gange 4RA20EC404 Indus Tower
6. Rakshith A V 4RA19EC021 Go Academy
7. Keerthana H A 4RA19EC013 Rakuten
8. Anusha B U 4RA19EC002 Baharat Electronics Limited (BEL)


Higher Studies

Sl. No Student Name Enrolment No. Name of the University
1 Bharath R 4RA19EC007 Scalar Woolf, Malta, Southern Europe

Sl. No Student Name Enrolment No. Name of the Employer
1 Anjali H D 4RA18EC004 Teachnook
2 Anjali N S 4RA18EC005 Jones
3 Anusha P 4RA18EC006 Devtools
4 Baseera Khatoon 4RA18EC007 EY/Capgemini
5 Chaithra S G 4RA18EC008 Infosys
6 Chandan H B 4RA18EC009 Baharat Electronics Limited (BEL)
7 Divya H D 4RA18EC011 Infor (India ) Pvt.Ltd.
8 Gagana B S 4RA18EC013 MagnaSoft
9 Harshith Raj K M 4RA18EC015 LG Soft India
10 Hemanth C T 4RA18EC016 TCS
11 Hemashree Y R 4RA18EC017 Capgemini (Global Edge Software Ltd.)
12 Inchara K Dayanand 4RA18EC018 Accenture
13 Lekha K L 4RA18EC021 Cognizant
14 Monisha B V 4RA18EC025 EY
15 Naseeba 4RA18EC027 Inspirag
16 Pooja M 4RA18EC029 Zensar Technologies
17 Rahul A 4RA18EC031 Infosys
18 Rashmi T S 4RA18EC032 Capgemini
19 Revathi P 4RA18EC033 Yashaswi Academy
20 Rida Fathima 4RA18EC034 Cognizant
21 Sahana U N 4RA18EC036 Devtools
22 Sahana K D 4RA18EC038 Devtools
23 Sarvar Khan 4RA18EC039 Cognizant
24 Shivaranjan H P 4RA18EC041 Randstad
25 Sony B R 4RA18EC043 BOSCH Global Software Technologies Private Limited
26 Spandana 4RA18EC044 Infosys
27 Thara M C 4RA18EC045 MICROLAND
28 Umme Hanie 4RA18EC047 Teachnook
29 Vijay M D 4RA18EC049 Wipro
30 Sanjana  C 4RA18EC050 Capgemini
31 Sindhu 4RA19EC406 Magna Soft
32 Yashwanth H R 4RA19EC411 Quick Ride
33 Yathish H K 4RA19EC412 Signoff Semiconductor Pvt. Ltd.


Higher Studies

Sl. No Student Name USN University
1 Adeeb Naiyer 4RA18EC001 University of Limerick, OLLSCOIL, Luimnigh
2 Sagar C P 4RA18EC035 M.Tech, in DECS, MCE, Hassan
3 Shilpa S M 4RA19EC408 M.Tech, in DECS, MCE, Hassan

Sl. No Student Name Enrolment No. Name of the Employer
1 Afnan Pasha 4RA17EC001 TCS
2 Archana B Y 4RA17EC002 TCS
3 Ashoka K C 4RA17EC004 Impact
4 Ashwini K B 4RA17EC005 Virtusa Consultancy Private Limited
5 Avinash H R 4RA17EC006 NTT DaTa Services
6 Bhavana L 4RA17EC007 Mindtree
7 Bhumika N T 4RA17EC008 TCS
8 Chandana R 4RA17EC009 ProXelera
9 Divya GR 4RA17EC014 ITC Infotech
10 Divya K 4RA17EC015 Mphasis
11 Divyashree K 4RA17EC016 NxTWave Disruptive Technologies Private Limited
12 Jeevan T T 4RA17EC018 Mphasis
13 Kavyashree  S G 4RA17EC019 VFISLK
14 Keerthi S Bhat 4RA17EC020 Capgemini
15 Likhith D H 4RA17EC021 Infineon
16 Manoj G 4RA17EC023 Tech Mahindra
17 Megha H C 4RA17EC024 BOSCH
18 Nethra  H A 4RA17EC027 Intact Green Service
19 Nida Tanzaen H N 4RA17EC028 Capgemini
20 Nikhitha Tanya A 4RA17EC029 TCS
21 Nithin A 4RA17EC030 Wipro
22 Nithin H M 4RA17EC031 Genpact
23 Prasad V T 4RA17EC033 NTT DaTa Services
24 Priyanka K N 4RA17EC035 NTT DaTa Service
25 Rangaswamy K S 4RA17EC036 TCS
26 Ranjitha B 4RA17EC037 Synchronoss Technology
27 Sabha Hermaine 4RA17EC039 Accenture
28 Revanth C S 4RA17EC038 Cognizant
29 Sahana Y R 4RA17EC040 BOSCH
30 Saniya Banu S 4RA17EC042 VFISLK
31 Shalini M S 4RA17EC044 Zeitview FWCloud Technologies  Pvt. Ltd
32 Sharadhi 4RA17EC045 Infinite Computer Solutions(India) Limited
33 Sinchana 4RA17EC046 iCube Consulting Services India Pvt. Ltd.
34 Smitha H R 4RA17EC047 Infosys
35 Soundarya S S 4RA17EC049 RLogic
36 Suchithra S N 4RA17EC050 Mphasis
37 Sumukha G 4RA17EC051 Tech Mahindra
38 Tanush Shetty 4RA17EC052 TCS
39 Vimarsh S 4RA17EC053 BOSCH
40 Yukthi S Shekar 4RA17EC055 TCS
41 Ganesh M D 4RA18EC400 Infinite Computer Solutions
42 Lavanya K S 4RA18EC402 Quinnox
43 Mohammad Maaz 4RA18EC404 Geosieben
44 Pavan D D 4RA18EC406 CTDI
45 Prajwal Kumar M M 4RA18EC407 TCS
46 Priyanka H C 4RA18EC408 Team Lease Digital
47 Rakshitha L R 4RA18EC410 Mphasis
48 Ramya K 4RA18EC411 Govt. Sector, FDA
49 Sachin T V 4RA18EC413 NTT DaTa Services
50 Subhashini  S R 4RA18EC416 TCS


Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities are important to enhance student’s academic development and performance. In this direction, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering is striving hard to provide a channel for reinforcing the lessons learned in the classroom, offering students the opportunity to apply academic skills in a real-world context, and are thus considered part of a well-rounded education. We believe in the holistic development of students and hence assist them in developing critical skills and abilities to lead a successful and happy life. In this regard, various extra-curricular activities are taking place in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering continuously.

Industrial Visit to “Master Control Facility”

The Department of Electronics and Communication has organized a one day Industrial Visit for 5th semester students on 27th December 2023 to Master Control Facility, Hassan.




Technical Fest – Tech Connect-2k23

The Department of Electronics and Communication has organized a Technical event named “TECH CONNECT-2K23”. The main objective of the tech-fest was to bring together students from various engineering colleges to participate and showcase their talents with their innovative ideas and also to strengthen their resume. The tech fest was held with the support of Final year students which was coordinated by the staff of E&CE department in association with IETE, IIC and ED CELL.





Invited talk on “Beyond Degree: A way to Civil Services”

Department of E&CE, in association with IETE, IIC, ED and T&P Cell has conducted invited Talk on “Beyond Degree: A way to Civil Services” for 5th and 7th Semester students on 8th December 2023.
The Resource Person was Mr. Anil Kumar Bulla, MD, Credence IAS, Bangalore.



Invited talk on “A Roadmap to Entrepreneurship”

Department of E&CE, in association with IETE, IIC, ED and T&P Cell has conducted Invited Talk on “A Roadmap to Entrepreneurship” for 7th Semester students on 8th December 2023.
The Resource Person was Mr. Harshith D, Unisys India Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore


Invited talk on “Journey Towards Entrepreneurship”

Department of E&CE, in association with IETE, IIC, ED and T&P Cell has conducted Invited Talk on “Journey Towards Entrepreneurship” for 7th Semester students and “Embedded System and its Applications” for 3rd Semester Students on 25th November 2023.
The Resource Person was Mr. Harish, Project Manager, Mindset IT Solutions, Bangalore.


Seminar on “Ethical hacking & Cyber Security: Scope & Future Ahead”

Department of E&CE, in association with IETE, has conducted a seminar on “Ethical hacking & Cyber Security: Scope & Future Ahead” for 4th and 6th Semester students on 12th August 2023.
The Resource Person was Mr. Harsha H K, Assistant Manager, Integra MicroSystems, Bangalore.

Workshop on “Simulation of Circuit using ORCAD PSpice”

Department of E&CE, in association with IETE, has conducted a seminar on “Simulation of Circuit using ORCAD PSpice” for 4th Semester students from 22nd to 24th June 2023.
The Resource Person was Mr. Sathish Kumar K S Assistant Professor Dept of E&EE, NIT, Raichur.


Technical Talk on “Job Opportunities in VLSI & Embedded Systems”

Department of E&CE, in association with IETE, has conducted a Technical Talk on “Job Opportunities in VLSI & Embedded Systems” for 4th and 6th Semester students on 7th June 2023.
The Resource Person was Mr. Madhusudhan H, Cofounder Pentagon Space, Bangalore.

Workshop on “Virtual Instruments using LabVIEW”

Department of E&CE, in association with IETE, has conducted a workshop on “Virtual Instruments using LabVIEW” for selected students from 2nd May to 6th May 2023.
The resource person was Mr. P Rohith Goud, Techfluent Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad.


Seminar on “Application of AI & ML in various fields”

Department of E&CE, in association with IETE, has conducted a seminar on “Application of AI & ML in various fields” for 6th Semester students on 25th April 2023.
The resource person was Dr. Pradeep K G M, Associate Professor, Dept. of E&C, SIET, Tumakuru.


Invited talk on “Professional Ethics & its Importance”

Department of E&CE, in association with IETE, has conducted a Invited Talk on “Professional Ethics & its Importance” for 4th and 6th Semester students of ECE on 7th December 2022.
The resource person was Dr. Ramesh M, Assistant Professor, GITAM University, Bangalore.


Technical Talk on “Robo Yatra”

Department of E&CE, in association with IETE, has conducted a Technical Talk on “Robo Yatra” for students of ECE on 2nd December 2022.
The resource person was Mr. Harshavardana Kikkeri , CEO, Holo World Technologies, Mysore.



Technical Talk on “Interview Hack”

Department of E&CE, in association with IETE, has conducted a Technical Talk on “Interview Hack” for students of ECE on 23rd July 2022.
The resource person was Mr. Harshih D, Unisys, Bangalore.



3 days “Virtual FDP on “Data Science & Networking”

The Department of E&CE, in association with IETE has conducted 3 days “Virtual FDP on “Data Science & Networking” for faculties and Students of ECE Department from 25th Aug to 27th August 2022.

The resource persons were Dr. Anand Babu J, MCE, Dr. Balaji Prabhu B V, MCE,

Dr. Yashwanth N, MIT, Manipal.

Technical talk on “Soft Skills Training”

The Department of E&CE, in association with IETE has conducted Technical talk on “Soft Skills Training” for 4th semester students of ECE on 18th June 2022.

The resource person was Mr. Sanjay Hebbani Training facilitator, Genesis Training Bengaluru.

Workshop on “Embedded System & IoT”

The Department of E&CE, in association with IETE has conducted 3 days workshop on “Embedded System & IoT” for 6th semester students from 5th May  to 7th May 2022.

The resource person was Mr. Sharan Kumar, Associate Professor, HKES SLNCE, Raichur.


Seminar on “IPR & Entrepreneurship”

The Department of E&CE, in association with IETE has conducted a Seminar on “IPR & Entrepreneurship” for 8th semester students on 23rd April 2022.

The resource person was Mr. Shivaprasad, CI Academy, Bangalore.



Seminar on “E-Waste management”

The Department of E&CE, in association with IETE has conducted a Seminar on “E-Waste management” for E&CE students on 8th  Jan 2022.

The resource person was Mr. Chandrashekhar H S, Assistant professor, Department of IS&E, MCE, Hassan.



Technical Talk on “System on Chip & its Applications”

The Department of E&CE, in association with IETE has conducted a Technical Talk on “System on Chip & its Applications” for 7th Semester Students on 11th December 2021

The resource person was Mr. Kiran Kumar V H, Lead Engineer, Dalency Technologies, Bangalore.



Webinar on “ Current Trends in Aerospace”

The department of Electronics and Communication has organized a webinar on “Current Trends in Aerospace” for 6th Semester students of ECE in association with IETE, Mysore on 15th May 2021.

The resource person was Mr. Kiran Chakravarthi S, Design Engineer, SB Digital Automation, Munchun , Germany.


Seminar on “Use of 5G beyond Technology : Future Telecommunication”

The Department of Electronics and Communication has organized a Seminar on “Use of 5G beyond Technology : Future Telecommunication” for 8th Semester students of ECE in association with IETE, Mysore on 8th May 2021.

The resource person was Dr. Naveen B, Associate Professor, Dept. of E&CE, BGSIT, Bellur, Mandya.




Technical talk on “Career Guidance & opportunities in Abroad”

The Department of Electronics and Communication has organized a Technical talk on “Career Guidance & opportunities in Abroad” for 7th Semester Students of ECE department in Association with IETE, Mysuru on 9th January 2021.

The resource person was Mr. Kiran Chakravarthi S, Design Engineer, SB Digital Automation, Munchun, Germany.



Three-day Workshop on “Cloud computing & Python”

The Department of Electronics and Communication has organized a Three-day Workshop on “Cloud computing & Python” from 21st Dec to 23rd Dec 2020 for 5th Semester Students of ECE in association with IETE Mysuru.

The resource person was Mr. Ajith Gowda, Lead Consultant, Packet Network Engineer, COLT Technologies Pvt. India Ltd.



Three-day Workshop on “Electric Vehicles”

The Department of Electronics and Communication has organized a Three-day Workshop on “Electric Vehicles” from 19th November to 21st Nov 2020 for 7th Semester Students of ECE in association with IETE Mysuru.

The Resource person was Dr. Palani Sami, Assistant Professor, SRMT, Tamilnadu.


Webinar on “Underwater Wireless Networks”

The Department of Electronics and Communication has organized a Webinar on “Underwater Wireless Networks”  on 13th Nov 2020 in association with IETE, Mysuru.

The resource person was Dr. Yashwanth N, Assistant Professor, MIT, Manipal.



Webinar on “ Covid & Safety Norms in Society”

The Department of Electronics and Communication has organized a Webinar on “Covid & Safety Norms in Society” for all students and faculties of ECE department on 7th Nov  2020 in association with IETE Mysuru.

The resource person was Dr. Darshan R S, Rabindranath Tagore Medical College, Udayapur, Rajasthan.



Technical talk on “Signal Processing & its Applications”

The Department of Electronics and Communication has organized a  Technical talk on “Signal Processing & its Applications” for 5th Semester Students on 19th October 2020 in association with IETE Mysuru.

The resource person was Dr. Naveen K B., Associate Professor, Dept. of E&CE, BGSIT, Bellur, Mandya




FDP on “Advances in Signal Processing & Wireless Communication”

The Department of Electronics and Communication has organized a 6 days FDP on Advances in Signal Processing & Wireless Communication” from 24th August to 29th August 2020 in Association with IETE Mysuru.

The resource persons were Dr. B R Sujatha, Dr. K V Suresh, Dr. Veena Karjigi, Dr. K S Shivapraksaha, Dr. Sandeep R, Dr. Akhilesh Tyagaturu.

COE for the Academic Year 2024-25 (Odd Semester)

ECE_ COE_rotated

COE for the Academic Year 2023-24 (Even Semester)

COE for the Academic Year 2023-24 (Odd Semester)

COE for the Academic Year 2022-23 (Even Semester)


Each mentor is assigned between 20 to 25 students, which guarantees a personalized and reasonable approach. Mentors can focus more on getting to know each student’s needs, strengths, and opportunities for growth in a smaller group. This model enables mentors to provide more personalized instruction to students and fosters productive mentor-student interactions.

Mentoring frequency – The Mentor will schedule about three to four interactive sessions with students.

During the Ist mentoring session, the following concepts are covered (prior to CIE-1):

  • Mentors will compile a list of the class’s advanced, average, and slow learners. They will have a one-to-one discussion with the students about their interests, hobbies, and propensity for extracurricular, co-curricular, and curricular activities.
  • A review of the academic discussion from the previous semester regarding the significance of attendance and CIE will be carried out.
  • Enquiry will be done about the academic preparation of First CIE

During the 2nd mentoring session, the following concepts are covered (prior to CIE-2):

  • Discuss about the First IA performance in relation to the present semester courses. If a student’s performance is deemed inadequate, the causes for their low score are examined and recommendations are made in line with those findings.
  • Students are encouraged to take active role in co-curricular and extracurricular activities participation.
  • Discuss about the attendance status of students on fortnightly basis.

During the 3rd mentoring session, the following concepts are covered (prior to CIE-3):

  • Discuss about the Second CIE performance with respect to the present semester courses. If the student performance is unsatisfactory, then reasons for their low scoring are discussed and accordingly suggestions are given.
  • Students will be advised to attend the Third CIE compulsorily and to prepare action plan for the Semester End Exam preparation
  • Discuss about the attendance status of students on fortnightly basis.
Maximum No. of Students per Mentor15 to 20
Frequency of mentoring3 to 4 sessions per Semester
PrerequisiteClass Teachers prepares list of Advanced, Average and Slow Learners based on the previous Academic Performance
Mentoring – I

Discussion and comments on:

1. Previous Performance

2. Hobbies & Co-curricular Activities

3. Teaching and Learning Process

Mentoring – II

Discussion and comments on:

1. Review of previous counselling

2. CIE-1 Performance

3. Teaching and Learning Process

Mentoring – III

Discussion and comments on:

1. Review of previous counselling

2. CIE-2 Performance

3. Teaching and Learning Process

Mentors List for the Academic Year 2023-24

Mrs. Rekha M G

Assistant Professor

8th Semester

(2020 – 2024 Batch)

Mr. Vishwanath B R

Assistant Professor

Mrs. Ambika K

Assistant Professor6th Semester(2021 – 2025 Batch)

Mrs. Manasa A

Assistant Professor

Mrs. Lokeshwari H S

Assistant Professor

Mr. Ravi L S

Assistant Professor4th Semester(2022 – 2026 Batch)

Mr. Shubas S R

Assistant Professor

Ms. Supriya Ananth K A

Assistant Professor