Academic Council

Academic council ensures quality in academic activities.

ObjectiveThe central aim of the Council is to establish a thriving academic environment and enrich the student learning encounter. It systematically supervises students’ academic experiences and conducts comprehensive evaluations.
Structure & Constitution of the Academic Council shall be as under:

Sl.No.NamePositionContact No
1Dr. Mahesh P KPrincipal9008235126
2Dr.Shrishail MathMember9964911267
3Dr. Prakash H NMember9448775514
4Dr. Arjun B CMember9844584208
5Dr. Arvind B NMember9844385450
6Mr. Nagendra Prasad H KMember7795666046
7Dr. Dhananjaya D AMember9986121677
8Mr. SujayMember9743083229
9Dr. Ramamurthy DMember9035653506
10Dr. Thammana H NMember9045494589
11Mr. Umesh B DMember9663714172
12Mrs. Bhavani B SMember9480546658
13Mrs. Veena K PMember9449851804
14Mrs. Chandana S NMember9964586699
15Mrs. Jyothi B GMember9448346631
MeetingsSubject to the Head of the Institute’s approval, the Member Secretary is responsible for convening regular meetings of the Academic Council, occurring at least once a week and when necessary. The agenda’s preparation falls to the Member Principal, who requires approval from the Head of the Institute. For a valid meeting, a quorum of half the members is essential. If a quorum is not attained within the first half-hour, the meeting adjourns to a later convenient date. In the adjourned meeting, if a quorum is still absent within the initial half-hour, the present members establish a quorum and proceed with the meeting.
Roles & ResponsibilitiesThe Roles and Responsibilities of the Academic Council encompass the following key areas:
  1. Reviewing University-prescribed courses of study, academic regulations, curricula, and related modifications. Providing considered opinions, comments, and modification requests to the affiliating University for their deliberation.
  2. Establishing admission regulations for various study programs, in alignment with University and Government norms.
  3. Formulating Regulations in harmony with University standards for the organization of Continuous Evaluation Assessments (CEA). Initiating strategies to enhance teaching quality, student evaluation, and the student advisory system.
  4. Developing policies to enhance Teaching-Learning Processes (TLP) within the Institute. This includes promoting innovative teaching methods, integrating ICT tools for teaching, identifying educational needs, and addressing them.
  5. Creating regulations for sports, extracurricular activities, and overseeing the proper upkeep and functionality of playgrounds and hostels.
  6. Recommending new study program proposals to the Governing Body for consideration.
  7. Suggesting the institution of scholarships, studentships, fellowships, prizes, and medals. Developing regulations for their fair distribution.
  8. Advising the Governing Body on matters pertaining to academic affairs.
  9. Cultivating a culture of faculty engagement in Sponsored Research, Industrial Consultancy, Continuing Education, and related initiatives.
  1. Undertaking any additional responsibilities as delegated by the Governing Body.

In fulfilling these responsibilities, the Academic Council contributes to the comprehensive development of the institute’s academic environment and quality standards.

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