M.Tech in Computer Applications in Industrial Drives
B.E. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Contact Details
Email ID | vishwass@rithassan.ac.in |
ISTE ID | 114143 |
VIDWAN ID | 469999 |
LinkedIn ID | https://www.linkedin.com/in/vishwas-s-49906320/ |
Professional Experience
Teaching – 07 Years Industry – 04 Years
- Participated in Open Lecture Series Program-2011-12, Organised by Karnataka Science and Technology Academy, Dept. of Science and Technology, Govt. of Karnataka in association with National Institute of Engineering, Mysore. Held during 11th November 2011.
- Participated in TEQUIP-II sponsored 3 day’s workshop on “SMART GRID & FACTS” at NIE, Mysore, during June 20-22, 2013.
- Participated in 5 day’s FDP on ‘RESEARCH METHODOLOGY’ in PESITM, Shivamogga, held from 19th – 23rd January 2015.
- Participated in 4 day’s FDP at Dayanand Sagar Academy Of Technology & Management, Bangalore, held from 8th – 11th January 2018.
- Attended One day workshop on “New model curriculum for first year BE/B.Tech-CBCS detailed syllabus(2018-19) as per outcome-based education(OBE) format including course outcomes and bloom’s taxonomy” under TEQUIP-1.3 under department of Electrical board held on 19-05-2018 at Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management, Mangaluru, Organized by VTU, Belagavi.
- Participated in state level One-day faculty workshop on Basic Electrical Engineering Lab (18ELEL17/27) (As per VTU First year CBCS 2018 curriculum) on 26-07-2018, organized by the department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, PDIT, Hosapete.
- Participated in 5 days master class online webinar on Power Electronics using MATLAB at Pantech Prolabs India Pvt. Ltd. from 12th -16th April, 2021.
- Participated in 5 days master class webinar on Electric Vehicle Design using MATLAB at Pantech Prolabs India Pvt. Ltd. from 3rd -7th May, 2021.
- Participated in 30 days master class webinar on MATLAB SIMULINK at Pantech Prolabs India Pvt. Ltd. from April 22nd – 21st May, 2021.
- Life Member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) ID No : LM 114143
MEMBER: NAAC Committee
- The Presented a paper entitled “Comparative Analysis of SPWM and SVPWM Control for Industrial Drives Adopting Three Phase Inverters” in an International Conference on Current Trends in Engineering & Management ICCTEM 2012 organized by VVCE, Mysore held during July 12-14, 2012.
- Published a Paper titled “Effect of UPFC for power flow control and Damping of oscillations in a power system” in IJEECS, Volume-1, Issue-2, in the month of Dec-2013.
- Presented a paper entitled “Effect of UPFC for power flow control and Damping of oscillations in a power system” in a International Conference on “Electrical, Electronics, Telecommunication And Information Technology”, (ICEETIT 2013) held at Bangalore on 22nd December 2013, ird india.
- Presented a paper entitled “Effect of UPFC for power flow control and Damping of oscillations in a power system” in a National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Engineering & Management”, held at PESIT&M, Shivamogga on March 01 & 02,2013.
- Published a paper entitled “Harmonic Reduction in Multi level Inverters using SPWM Technique” in a National Conference on Research in Science, Engineering and Management NCRSEM 15, held at PESIT&M, Shivamogga on May 02,2015.
- Published a paper entitled “Hybrid Converter with simultaneous DC and AC outputs” in a National conference on convergence of science and technology and management NCCSTM- 2017, held on 19th May 2017 at Dayanand Sagar academy of technology and management, Bengaluru.
- Published a paper entitled “Wireless Power Transmission by electromagnetic Radiation” in a National Conference on Research in Science, Engineering and Management, held at PESIT&M, Shivamogga on 20th May,2017.
- Published a paper entitled “Power generation in highways using vertical axis wind turbine” in a National Conference on Research in Science, Engineering and Management, held at PESIT&M, Shivamogga on 20th May,2017.
- Published a paper entitled “Power Factor correction using PIC microcontroller” in a National Conference on Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Management, held at PESIT&M, Shivamogga on 26th May,2018.
- Published a paper entitled “Advanced Verification of single precision floating point ALU” in a First International Conference on Advanced technologies in Control, Environment, Computing and Communication Engineering ICATIECE-2019, held on 19th-20th March 2019 at Dayanand Sagar academy of technology and management, Bengaluru.
- Published a paper entitled “A ZVS bidirectional DC-DC converter with low circulating Currents throught a full range of loads ” in a National conference on convergence of science and technology and management NCCSTM-2019, held on 10th May 2019 at Dayanand Sagar academy of technology and management, Bengaluru.
- Successfully completed the course on BUILD YOUR OWN STATIC WEBSITE at NxtWave Disruptive Technologies on August 28, 2022. https://certificates.ccbp.in/intensive/static-website?id=ZMKNNRUEAA
- Successfully completed the course on BUILD YOUR OWN RESPONSIVE WEBSITE at NxtWave Disruptive Technologies on September 29,2022. https://certificates.ccbp.in/intensive/responsive-website?id=JJNCLMJTVW
- Successfully completed the course on PROGRAMMING FOUNDATIONS WITH PYTHON at NxtWave Disruptive Technologies on December 27, 2022. https://certificates.ccbp.in/intensive/programming-foundations?id=ZLZLEPGZFO
- Successfully completed the course on DEVELOPER FOUNDATIONS at NxtWave Disruptive Technologies on June 19,2023. https://certificates.ccbp.in/intensive/developer-foundations?id=FWWVREJVBO