Mr. Nagendra Prasad H K
Assistant Professor
Contact Details
Email ID | nagendraprasadhk@rithassan.ac.in |
LinkedIn ID | https://www.linkedin.com/in/nagendra-prasad-6231a4235/ |
Google Scholar ID | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=NgCvyl8AAAAJ&hl=en |
Orcid ID | https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9995-0281 |
Vidwaan ID | 355827 |
- M.Tech in Power system Engineering
- B.E in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Professional Experience
- Teaching – 9.1 Years
Publication Details
- Nagendraprasad H K, Manjunatha H M, Jayaram M V (2023), “Energy Management of Renewable Energy Resources Powered Distribution Storage System in Grid-tied Microgrid”, Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology, June 2023 Issue.
- Nagendra Prasad H.K, “Simulation of Single Phase New Multilevel Converter Topology for VSC HVDC Based Grid Connected Offshore Wind Power Plant” Paper ID: ICMSSMT2022A071 has been conditionally accepted and recommended for publishing the paper by ICMSSMT 2022 – 2022 International Conference on Materials Science and Sustainable Manufacturing Technology. Publication supported by Elsevier
- Nagendra Prasad H.K, Pradeep naragund “Smart DC Micro-grid for Efficient Utilization of Distributed Renewable Energy” Proceedings of “National level technical symposium” held at C.I.T Gubbi, Tumkur on 2011 ( Secured “2nd place” ).
- Nagendra prasad H K, Yogesha S, Shree harsha.J, Anil Kumar R, ” Design and development of a Single Phase to 3 phase Converter “, Proceedings of National Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SSIT, Tumkur, May, 2012.
- Nagendra Prasad H K & Atheef khan ” Energy auditing in Mysugar company Mandya“, one day Proceedings of National Conference on recent trends in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SIET, Tumkur, March, 2013.
- Nagendra Prasad H.K, “ Energy conservation throughout smart home” Proceedings of “National level technical symposium” held at A.I. T Chikmaglur on 8th May 2017.
Roles and Responsibilities
- NAAC coordinator
- Placement Coordinator
- ICT academy Coordinator
Professional body membership
- IAENG membership.
FDP/Conferences/Workshops attended/Conducted
- Participated in 1-day workshop on “Recent developments in Electrical power system”, held in SSIT,Tumkur during March 2013.
- Participated in 2-day workshop “Currents trends in transmission and distribution grid management”, held in VVIET,Mysuru during July 2013.
- Participated in 2-day workshop “Present developments in Electrical and Electronics”, held in in B.I.T, Banguluru during July 2013.
- Participated in 2-day workshop on “Advances in power Distribution engineering: Distributed Generation, Micro-Grid and Renewable Integration”, held in NIET, Mysuru during 28th and 29th August 2015.
- Participated in 2-day workshop on “Recent Trends In Solar Energy Applications”, conducted in MCE, Hassan during 27th and 28th march 2017.
- Participated in 1-day workshop on “The largest Industry-Institute interaction Event of Asia” organized by ICT academy held on 26th september 2018 at hotel Le Meridien, Bengaluru.
Faculty Development Program
- FDP on “MOODLE” during 4th may to 9th may 2020 organized by Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Attur in association with Spoken Tutorial IIT, Bombay.
- FDP on “Universal Human Values for DEEKSHARAMBH (Student Induction Program)” organized by NIT Patna during 23-27 November 2020.
- FDP on “Smart City: Recent Developments in Smart City (SMART-2020)” during 7th-12th december 2020, organised by Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Tumakuru.
- FDP on “AI Applications to Power Systems” during 17- 22 January 2022, organised by Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumakuru.
Research Area of Interest