Monika M M

Assistant Professor




Qualification Details

  • B.E (Computer science and Engineering)
  • M. Tech (Computer science and Engineering)

Professional Experience

  • Working as Assistant Professor of Computer science Engineering, (RIT) from 9th September 2022 to Till now.

Publication Details

H-Indexed journals

  • Sahana G C ,Monika M M,  “Optimal Discovery Expelling Blueprint for Cognitive Radio Networks”, 14th International conference on advances in computing, control, and telecommunication  technologies –ACT 2023(June 16th 2023), ISBN-978-81-955890-5-0
  • Monika M M, INDRAKUMAR K S , NEETHU A V , NISCHITHA B H , S DAVID RAJ “Pathology Classification in Voice Signal “, 14th International conference on advances in computing, control, and telecommunication  technologies –ACT 2023(June 16th 2023), ISBN-978-81-955890-5-0

International Journals

  • Monika  M M, “Security Based Image Processing using Reversible Data Hiding Method”, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing Volume (IJCSMC)Vol. 7, Issue. 4, April 2018, pg.125 – 134, ISSN 2320–088X IMPACT FACTOR: 6.017.
  • Monika  M M, “HEALTH CARE BOT FOR GENERAL DISEASES USING MACHINE LEARNING”, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing Volume (IJCSMC)Vol. 9, Issue. 7, July 2020, pg.23 – 32,ISSN 2320–088X, IMPACT FACTOR: 7.056.

FDP/ Workshop attended

  • Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security Workshop, Rajeev Institute of Technology at Hassan
  • National Level Faculty Development Program on Cloud Infrastructure

Research area of Interest

Machine learning, Data science