Megha H C

Assistant Professor





Qualification Details

  • B.E (Computer Science & Engineering)
    M. Tech (Computer Science & Engineering)

Professional Experience

Working as Assistant Professor, Rajeev College of Engineering, Hassan from 5-September-2022 to till date.

Publication Details

H-Indexed journals

  1. Megha H C, Exploratory Research of Brain-Tumour Detection and Classification Using Deep-Learning-Technique, Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies-2023,

International Journals

  1. Megha H C, The Research Assessment Study On Brain Tumour Detection and Classification From MRI Imaging Test , INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL OF SCIEMCE & ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH (IJSDR) Volume 5 Issue 5,May 2020, ISSN, 2455-2631
  2. Megha H C, Evaluation of Brain Tumour MRI Imaging Test Detection and Classification, IJRASET, – Volume 8, Issue 6, , ISSN: 2321-9653

FDP/ Workshop attended

  1. Cyber Security, Rajeev
  2. Augmented Reality-Virtual Reality

Research area of Interest

Machine learning, Image Processing