Mrs. Jyothishree R K
Assistant Professor
Email-ID | jyothishree@rithassan.ac.in |
Phone No: | 9482482557 |
Qualification Details
- MTech. in Information Technology, graduated in June 2015 from National Institute of Engineering, Mysore, Karnataka.
- BTech in Information Science & Engineering, graduated in June 2012 from Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, Karnataka.
Professional Experience
- Currently working as an Assistant Professor at Rajeev Institute of Technology, Hassan, Karnataka from May 2023 to till now.
- Worked as an Assistant Professor at International Institute of Information Technology, Pune, Maharashtra from July 2022 to April 2023.
- Worked as an Assistant Professor at Chandigarh University, Mohali, Punjab from January 2021 to Feb 2022.
- Worked as an Assistant Professor at Quest Group of Institutions, Jhanjeri, Mohali from July 2018 to August 2019.
- Worked as a Lecturer for 6 months at B.G.S Institute of Technology, Mandya, Karnataka.
- Worked as a Lecturer for 6 months at Government Engineering College, Chamarajanagar, Karnataka.
Publication Details
- Paper published in International Journal of Research in Information Technology in 2015.
International Journals
Paper published in International Journal of Research in Information Technology in 2015.
- FDP/FOP co-ordinator
- Criterion 2 co-ordinator in NBA work
FDP/ Workshop attended
- Actively participating in 3days Web development “THODA SA WEB SIKHTE HAI” held during Tech-A-Month 2.0 organized by IEEE, Chandigarh University from 12th July to 14th July,21.
- Successfully completed 2 days’ workshop on “Outcome based education” from 27th May to 28th May,2021
- Successfully completed One Week Short Term Training Program(AICTE Sponsored) on Data Science and Big Data Analytics” held from 7 June 2021 through online mode.
- successfully attended One Day Faculty Orientation Program on Business intelligence(410253C) B.E Computer Engineering (2019 Course), organized by Department of Computer Engineering SNJB’s K.B.Jain College of Engineering, Chandwad in association with Board of Studies (Computer Engineering), Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune on 18|01|2023.
- Participated in One-Day Online Faculty Orientation Program on “Laboratory Practice – VI” (BE Computer Engineering 2019 Course) held on 17th January 2023 organized by the Department of Computer Engineering, International Institute of Information Technology, Hinjawadi, Pune, in association with the Board of Studies, Computer Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, SPPU, Pune.
Other role & responsibilities
- Master Subject Co-ordinator of Database Management System and Big Data.
- Plan the FDP aligned with the MoU signed.
- Ensure that the participants travel arrangement is timely done.
- Develop session evaluation and course evaluation forms and ensure that these forms are timely and properly filled by participants.
- Review the evaluation forms (filled by participants) and provide respective feedback to the facilitators in order to consider the code of ethics.
- Ensure that Learning Resources Packages and other learning required documents are timely and adequately printed and ready for use of participants.
- Actively participate in the FDP related meetings before, within and after training.
Research area of Interest
- SQL, Big Data and Data Analytics and Machine learning