Department of Civil Engineering
About the Department
Being one of the oldest branches of engineering, Civil engineering makes the society more sophisticated and provides comfort to the people. The Civil Engineering Department of RIT was established in the year 2010 with an intake of 60 students which increased to 120 students in the year 2014. The Department offers an undergraduate program in Civil engineering. It has well equipped laboratories with sophisticated and state of the art instruments and facilities. With highly qualified faculty and dedicated technical staff the department provides an ideal environment for academic pursuits.
The department also undertakes many consultancy projects from industry and other organizations in the field of concrete technology, soil mechanics and environmental engineering. The vision of the department is to effectively train our students as Civil Engineers who can serve the society competently, collaboratively and ethically
HOD’s Message
Message from the Desk
Mr. Sujay S
Head of the Department
“Civil Engineering is considered as the most versatile and oldest among all engineering branches. It is a branch with lots of diversity right from subjects like Surveying and Environmental Engineering to Hydraulics, Soil Mechanics to Structural Engineering and Hydrology to Transportation Engineering.
In recent times, there is a wide gap between the requirement and the availability of Civil Engineers in all sectors; this has created opportunities open to forthcoming Civil Engineers. The challenge is to prepare the students graduating from our department to achieve the required skills and knowledge and this has been continuously fulfilled by our experienced faculty and well-equipped laboratories.
With highly qualified faculty and dedicated technical staff along with well-equipped laboratories helps in fulfilling our department’s vision of being an excellent center that creates socially and ethically responsible Civil Engineers by providing quality technical education with an emphasis on sustainable development.
The Civil Engineering Department of RIT has a reputation of securing excellent academic results on a regular basis. In the year 2017 one of our students Vandana N Bidare secured University 3rd Rank, which is a mirror to our commitment towards providing excellent academic guidance.
In addition to regular academics, activities like Seminars, Hands- on Workshops, Technical talks by Industry Professional are conducted on a regular basis to induce the professional skills among students. The department is dedicated itself to provide necessary support and guidance for making students get placed not only in Civil Engineering but also in various other fields of engineering.
In addition to regular academics, activities like hand-on projects, field visits, real-time survey camp with latest equipment like total station, technical talks by industrial professionals, full semester Industrial and software training, and Industry-academic interaction are conducted on regular basis to induce professional skills among students.
The department has dedicated itself to provide necessary support and guidance for students to make them placed not only in Civil Engineering field but also in various other fields of engineering.
With this entire above introduction, the Department of Civil Engineering, RIT, Hassan welcomes all young engineering aspirants, who wish to make their career in the field of Civil Engineering.”
Vision of the Department
- To be an Excellent Centre that creates socially and ethically responsible Civil Engineers by providing quality technical education with an emphasis on sustainable development.
Mission of the Department
- To strengthen the skills of the students by providing training in the emerging areas of Civil Engineering.
- To infuse ethical responsibility, environmental awareness and leadership qualities to meet societal needs.
- To enhance the knowledge of the students through interactions with industry professionals.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOS)
- Gain in depth knowledge of Civil Engineering subjects to address practical challenges using modern tools and techniques.
- Pursue higher education and show professional excellence.
- Exhibit professionalism, ethical approach, communication skills, team work in their profession and adapt to modern trends by engaging in lifelong learning.
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
- Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
- Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
- Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
- Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
- Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
- The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
- Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
- Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
- Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
- Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
- Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
- Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
After completion of program, students will be able to
- Create Civil Engineering structures by planning, analysis and design without over exploitation of natural resources.
- Carry out experiments/field investigations and interpret the results in order to provide solutions to real world Civil Engineering problems.
Program | Course | Duration | Intake |
BE | Civil Engineering | 4 Years | 30 |
Semester | In-Charge Name | Mail ID |
5th Sem | Mr. Manjunath H S | manjunathhs1000@rithassan.ac.in |
Mrs. Supriya C L | supriyachandrappa@rithassan.ac.in | |
7th Sem | Mr. Raghunandan Yadav C | ryadavias@rithassan.ac.in |
Mrs. Vani A | vania312@rithassan.ac.in |
Civil Engineering Department has good number of class rooms which are equipped with multimedia projectors. Department has well equipped laboratories
The Department has set up Department Library on May, 2013. The collection of the Library comprises 359 Books including Personality development, General knowledge, Aptitude, Text Books, Reference Books; mainly in Surveying, Geology, Strength of materials, Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Soil Mechanics, Environmental Engineering, Irrigation, Estimation and costing, Management and Technology. Library has access for both students and faculties.
Building materials and testing Laboratory is well equipped for evaluating various types of building materials. The laborator
y includes facilities for performing all kinds of tests on concrete and bituminous mixes. Impact Testing Machine, UTM, Torsion, Sieve Analysis, Pycnometer. Rockwell Hardness Number, Brinell’s Hardness Number, Charpy and Izod Impact test.
In this laboratory students are able to learn the properties of minerals and rocks which can be used in the civil engineering projects for Eg: Gypsum can be used as a raw material for cement and so on. This lab contains Mineral Specimens, Rock Specimens, Minerals and rocks descriptive charts describing various properties like habit, colour, streak, lustre, hardness and so on, Structural models showing morphological features of rock, polished rounded blocks, hardness test box, rounded magnets, pen knifes, pocket lens.
The computer-Aided Design (CAD) Lab of the Civil Engineering Department was established in 2010. The lab facilitates the practical’s for the course work of UG students. It expediates the computation platform to execute simulation/ modelling/ analyses related to the research work of UG students of the department.
At CAD lab, students get professional training on 2D & 3D drafting of civil engineering drawings using the latest version of AutoCAD software. Student will learn computer aided design layout and 3D solid modelling definition.
CAD is mainly used for detailed engineering of 3D models or 2D drawings of physical components, but it is also used throughout the engineering process from conceptual design and layout of products, through strength and dynamic analysis of assemblies to definition of manufacturing methods of components.
Scientific / Engineering Software
- AutoCAD
- MS Project
- Revit
In Geo Technical Engineering Laboratory Students are made to carry out all soil mechanics fundamental experiments according to standards, to understand the skills and techniques necessary for engineering practice. The major equipment’s are Direct Shear, Triaxial Apparatus, UCC Strength, Casagrande Apparatus, Sieve Analysis, Cone Penetrometer apparatus for liquid limit determination of soil, Shrinkage Limit Device, Pycnometer, Density Bottle, Core Cutter apparatus, Hot Air Oven, Sand Pouring Cylinder,
Environmental engineering laboratory is one of the important lab for a student which has sophisticated equipment’s to analyze and determine the various characteristics of water and waste water. The facilities include Digital Weighing Balance, Hot Air Oven, Muffle furnace, Digital pH meter, Double distillation water unit, BOD Incubator Cooling, Visible Spectrophotometer, Centrifuge Machine, Flame photometer , Jar Test Apparatus, Nephelo Turbidity meter, Bacterial Counter, Water Bath, Heating Coil (Hot Plates), Electrical Conductivity Meter, Compound Microscope.
Concrete & highway material testing laboratory is one of the important lab for a Civil Engineering student as it deals with the testing of various construction materials such as bricks, tiles, cement, aggregates, concrete (fresh & hardened). The various apparatus set up in the Concrete lab are Length Gauge & Thickness Gauge, Abrasion Testing machine, Vicat Apparatus, Blains Air Permeability, Vee Bee Apparatus, Crushing Value, Bitumen Penetrometer, Viscometer, Ductility & Softening Point Apparatus, Compaction Factor Apparatus, Aggregate Impact Tester, Compression Testing Machine, , Flexure (Beam) Testing, Flow table apparatus, Specific gravity bottle, Slump test apparatus, SCC testing apparatus (J-ring, V-funnel, L-box, Slump cone).
Student Learning Centric details(2022-2023)
Sl. No. | Subject Name | Subject Code | Faculty Name | Course Modules | Lesson plan | Notes of lessons | PPT | Laboratory Manual | Lab Videos |
1 | Transform Calculus, Fourior Series | 21MAT31 | Mr. Somashekar M | link | link | link | |||
2 | Geodetic Engineering | 21CV32 | Mr. Harshith H J | link | link | link | |||
3 | Strength of Materials | 21CV33 | Mr.Manjunath H S | link | link | link | |||
4 | Earth Resources and Engineering | 21CV34 | Mr.Manjunath K H | link | link | link | |||
5 | Computer-Aided Building Planning and Drawing | 21CVL35 | Mr.Harshith H J, Mrs.Madhu K M | link | |||||
6 | Complex Analysis, Probability and Statistical Methods. | 21MAT41 | Mr.Santosh B B | ||||||
7 | Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics | 21CV42 | Mr. Harshith H J | link | link | ||||
8 | Public Health Engineering | 21CV43 | Mr.Manjunath H S | link | link | link | |||
9 | Analysis of Structures | 21CV44 | Sanjay Kumar A C | link | link | link | |||
10 | Biology for Engineers | 21BE45 | Mr.Manjunath K H | link | link | link | |||
11 | Earth Resources and Engineering Lab | 21CVL46 | Mr.Manjunath K H | link | |||||
12 | Green Buildings | 21CV485 | Mr. Sujay S | link | link | ||||
13 | Construction Management & Entrepreneurship | 18CV51 | Soundarya D | link | link | link | |||
14 | Analysis of Indeterminate Structures | 18CV52 | Sanjay Kumar A C | link | link | link | |||
15 | Design of RC Structural Elements | 18CV53 | Ananth H V | ||||||
16 | Basic Geotechnical Engineering | 18CV54 | Kiran S P | ||||||
17 | Municipal Wastewater Engineering | 18CV55 | Mr. Sujay S | link | link | link | |||
18 | Highway Engineering | 18CV56 | Arpitha | link | link | link | |||
19 | Surveying Practice | 18CVL57 | Raghunandan Yadav C, Harshith H J | link | |||||
20 | Concrete and Highway Materials Laboratory | 18CVL58 | Madhu K M | link | link | ||||
21 | Design of Steel Structural Elements | 18CV61 | Raghunandan Yadav C | link | link | link | link | ||
22 | Applied Geotechnical Engineering | 18CV62 | Kiran S P | ||||||
23 | Hydrology and Irrigation Engineering | 18CV63 | Raghunandan Yadav C | link | link | link | |||
24 | Alternate Building Materials | 18CV643 | Supriya C L | link | link | link | |||
25 | Non-Conventional Energy Sources | 18ME651 | Hanoca P | link | link | link | |||
26 | Software Application Laboratory | 18CVL66 | Supriya C L, Vani A | link | link | ||||
27 | Environmental Engineering Laboratory | 18CVL67 | Manjunath H S, Harshith H J | ||||||
28 | Quality Surveying and Contract Management | 18CV71 | Supriya C L | link | link | link | |||
29 | Design of RCC and Steel Structures | 18CV72 | Raghunandan Yadav C, Madhu K M | link | link | link | |||
30 | Masonry Structures | 18CV735 | Raghunandan Yadav C | link | link | link | |||
31 | Urban Transport Planning | 18CV745 | Kiran S P, Arpitha | link | link | link | |||
32 | Energy & Environment | 18ME751 | Vani A | link | link | link | |||
33 | Computer Aided Detailing of Structures | 18CVL76 | Supriya C L, Vani A | link | |||||
34 | Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory | 18CVL77 | Kiran S P, Arpitha | ||||||
35 | Design of Pre-stressed Concrete | 18CV81 | Supriya C L, Madhu K M | link | link | link | |||
36 | Pavement Design | 18CV825 | Vani A | link | link | link | link |
Faculty Achievements
Faculty Achievement
Faculty members have published 54 papers in International Journals, 7 papers in conferences and have attended more than 20 workshops/FDPs.
Journal/ Conference |
Total |
Journal | 54 |
Conference | 07 |
Workshops/FDPs/Certification courses attended by Faculties
Sl. No. |
Name of Faculty | Title of the program |
Duration |
1 | Mr. Sujay S | 5-Day FDP on “Application of Artificial Intelligence in Civil Engineering – AAICE 2020”, organized by JNN college of Engineering, Shivamogga. | 20-07-2020 to 24-07- 2020 |
One week FDP on “Climate Change and Carbon Issues (CCCI)” BMSCE, Bangalore. | 06-07-2020 to 10-07- 2020 |
3 Day FDP Programme on “Importance of Water, Sanitation, Health and Waste Management during Epidemics”, organized by Jain College, Belagavi. | 27-05-2020 to 29-05- 2020 |
2 | Mr. Manjunatha K H | NPTEL-AICTE FDP – 12 Weeks FDP on Ground water hydrology and management | Jan – April 2023 |
3 | Mrs. Madhu K M | Online 5 days FDP on “Introduction to Python Programming & its applications” organized by VTU | 13-03-2023 to17-03-2023 |
Online 5 days FDP on “Smart Materials and systems” organised by VTU | 29-05-2023 to 2-06-2023 | ||
Online 5 days FDP on “An Overview of Multidisciplinary Approaches in the field of Civil Engineering” organised by Rajeev Institute of Technology. | 07-09-2020 to 11-09-2020 | ||
Online FDP (12 WEEKS) on “Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures” organised by NPTEL- AICTE. | Jul-Oct 2019 | ||
Online 5 days FDP on ” Structural Design and Analysis using STAAD Pro Connect” | 19 Sep 2023 to 23 Sep 2023 | ||
4 | Mrs. Vani A | Online 5 days FDP on “An Overview of Multidisciplinary Approaches in the field of Civil Engineering” organised by Rajeev Institute of Technology. | 07-09-2020 to 11-09-2020 |
“Team Building and Managing” organised by Rajeev Institute of Technology. | 23-01-2021 to
25-01-2021 |
Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education, organized by AICTE | 22-03-2021 to
26-03-2021 |
Online 5 days FDP on “Smart Materials and systems” organised by VTU | 29-05-2023 to
2-06-2023 |
5 | Mr. Manjunath H S | NPTEL-AICTE FDP – Air Pollution and Control (12 Weeks) | Jan-April 2023 |
NPTEL-AICTE FDP- Water Supply Engineering (12 Weeks) | Jan-April 2020 | ||
Online 5 days FDP on “An Overview of Multidisciplinary Approaches in the field of Civil Engineering” organised by Rajeev Institute of Technology. | 07-11th Sept 2020 | ||
NPTEL-AICTE FDP – Waste water Treatment and recycling (12 Weeks) | July-October 2019 | ||
5 Day online FDP Programme on “Water – A precious Resource” held from 22nd – 26th March 2022 organized jointly by BIT, UVCE Bangalore & Water resource Department, Delhi. | 22nd – 26th March 2022 | ||
5 Day online FDP Programme on “Advanced Waste Water Treatment Options” held from 22nd – 26th Sept 2020 organized by University BDT college of Engineering, Davangere. | 22nd – 26th Sept 2020 | ||
Workshop in NITK, Surathkal “Co-Product recovery from existing and future Bio refineries” from 17th to 21st December 2018. (Organized by GIAN – Global Initiative of Academic Networks) | 17th to 21st Dec 2018 | ||
6 | Mrs. Supriya C L | Online 5 days FDP on “Smart Materials and systems” organized by VTU | 29-05-2023 to 2-06-2023 |
Online 5 days FDP on “An Overview of Multidisciplinary Approaches in the field of Civil Engineering” organised by Rajeev Institute of Technology. | 07-09-2020 to 11-09-2020 | ||
Online 5 days FDP on “2nd series of Advancements in Concrete Technology” (AICT-2023) organised by Ballari Institute of Technology. | 2-11-2023 to 7-11-2023 | ||
3 days FDP on Software Application in Civil engineering Organised by BGSIT Nelamangala | 10-12-2017 to 13-12-2017 | ||
Online 5 days FDP on Universal Human Values organised by HKBK college Bangalore. | 09-05-2022 to 13-05-2022 | ||
7 | Mr. Harshith H J | Online 5 days FDP on “2nd series of Advancements in Concrete Technology” (AICT-2023) organised by Ballari Institute of Technology. | 2-11-2023 to 7-11-2023 |
Online 5 days FDP on “Smart Materials and systems” organised by VTU | 29-05-2023 to 2-06-2023 | ||
Online 5 days FDP on “An Overview of Multidisciplinary Approaches in the field of Civil Engineering” organised by Rajeev Institute of Technology. | 07-09-2020 to 11-09-2020 | ||
5 Days FDP on Outcome based education (OBE) and NBA Accreditation, Organised by VVCE Mysore. | 16th to 20th Dec 2020 | ||
8 | Mr. Sanjay Kumar A C | 10 Days FDP – Value Added Course on “Vibrational Analysis of Engineerd Structures” Organised by BMS College of Engineering. | 19-05-2023 to 30-05- 2023 |
9 | Mr. Chetan K M | Online 5 days FDP on “An Overview of Multidisciplinary Approaches in the field of Civil Engineering” organised by Rajeev Institute of Technology. | 07-11th Sept 2020 |
NPTEL-AICTE FDP- Electronic waste management -issues and challenges ( 4 weeks) | Jan – Feb 2020 ( 4 weeks ) |
The Department of Civil Engineering encourages the students to the new line of thinking and also helps in the growth of creative thinking. The laboratory consists of well-equipped experimental apparatus. The Department encourages active involvement of faculty and students in collaborative programme, both at the national and international level. These programme range in terms of research and project work, development of academic programme and training of students, exchange of publications, data, teaching materials, ensuring optimum utilization of infrastructure facilities.
List of Ph.D Pursuing Faculty | ||||
Sl. No. | Name of the Faculty | Area of Research | University & Year of Admission | Status |
1 | Mr. Sujay S | Environmental Engineering | VTU/2023 | Course Work in Progress |
2 | Mrs. Vani A | Transportation Engineering | REVA University/2023 | Course Work in Progress |
3 | Mr. Sanjay Kumar A C | Structural Engineering | NITK/2023 | Course Work in Progress |
In the Department of Civil Engineering (CE) students are placed in corporate and engineering sectors. Civil Engineering graduates are recruited by some of the leading corporates like GR INFRA PROJECTS, AARBEE STRUCTURES, VSR CIVIL INFRA PVT LTD, NANDI CONSULTANTS, HENCON ASSOCIATES, VAL CIVIL MANAGEMENT AND LABORATORY etc… Students are provided with training in soft skills, personality development and how to face interviews.
Cocurricular Activities
Sl. No. | Name of the Activity | Target Audience | Conduction date |
1 | Technical talk on “Various Methods in Deflection of Beams”, by Prof. Hemanth Prabhu B, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Sahyadri College of Engineering, Mangalore. | 3rd Sem Students | 08-02-2023 |
2 | Systematic Knowledge Enrich Programme (SKEP)- in association with CADD CENTRE, Hassan | 5th Sem Students | 10-12-22- 27-01-23 (18 Hours) |
3 | Workshop on “Fire Safety In Industries”, by Mr. Raghavendra P C, EHS Cluster Head, Page Industries, Hassan. | 3rd and 5th Sem Students | 29-10-2022 |
4 | Workshop on “Modern Surveying with Total Station”, by Dr. B. E Yogendra, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan. | 6th Sem Students | 23-05-22 to 27-05-2022 (5 days) |
5 | “GATE Exam Cracking and Career Guidance Programme”, by Mr. Anil Sagar S, Research Scholar, Dept. of Civil Engineering, NITK, Surathkal, Mangalore. | 6th and 8th Sem Students | 23-07-2021 |
6 | Workshop on “E – Surveying using Total Station”, in association with SSG Greenways Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore. | 6th sem Students | 07-01-2021 to 10-01-2021 |
7 | Five days Online FDP on “An overview of Multidisciplinary Approaches in the field of Civil Engineering”, organized by Department of Civil Engineering, RIT, Hassan. | All Faculties of Civil Engineering Department | 07-09-2020 to 11-09-2020 |
8 | Plastic Waste Management Awareness Programme at Sathya Mangala Village Panchayath Limits, Hassan | 3rd Sem Students | 25/02/2020 |
9 | Two days Student Certification Programme on CYPE CADD- by Mr. Amarnath, MD, Cype CADD, Bengaluru, conducted at Department of Civil Engineering, RIT, Hassan. | 7th Sem Students | 16-11-2019 to 17-11-2019 |
10 | A one-day visit to ACE Tech Building Materials EXPO 2019 organized by ACE TECH at BIEC, Bengaluru. | 7th Sem Students | 19-10-2019 |
11 | Five days Student Certification programme on “Building Information Modelling (BIM) using Autodesk Revit architecture” was conducted at Civil Engineering Department RIT, in association with ICT academy. | 6th Sem Students | 26-02-2019 to 02-03-2019 |
COE for the Academic Year 2023-24 (Odd Semester)
Mentoring Module